From Cali to Az...

dutch black

I just relocated from Cali to Az. I am way down south in yuma and just got my Az DL and would like to know if anyone knows a Dr in the area that is a MMJ Physician? I don't see them opening a dispensary or collective here anytime soon and would like to get my garden going soon. Anyone have any info it would be appreciated.


Active Member
Isn't it worth the three hour drive to get legal?

I like Dr. Burns of SW Medical.

Oh, make sure you have documentation available proving your medically qualifying condition. Anything short of that would be wasting your own time.

Please stay AZ legal.


Well-Known Member
Isn't it worth the three hour drive to get legal?

I like Dr. Burns of SW Medical.

Oh, make sure you have documentation available proving your medically qualifying condition. Anything short of that would be wasting your own time.

Please stay AZ legal.

i'm with the VA and i thought i needed all my medical records too. i brought in my scripts, the doctor took some pictures and I got her OK the next day. i have a pretty heavy script for nerve pain though so that helped.

dutch black

Thanks for the replys! Any info helps out. I do currently have my prop 215 recommedation and it is actually current until 10/13, and from my understanding as long as I am holding my current 215 I can legally have my meds in Az. But I am living in yuma now and would like to get my prop 203 here in Az, if necessary I can go next door to El Centro for meds but transportation is a big issue since I have no car. I am a prior servicemember (combat medic), so am I understanding that a VA Doc signed off on your medical paperwork in order to get your 203? Thanks again for the info


Well-Known Member
my friends use to live in el centro too i believe... anyways welcome here man... the local grow shop if there is one should be able to recommend a place if not you could always go to tucson it not that far from ya...

dutch black

@ Dutch,

Risky felony transporting across state lines.
As I stated I have my 215, not sure about any felony charges if I am a MMJ Patient. I'm not a criminal. I know that there has been several cases already thrown out coming from my county for people doing the same thing that are holding valid 215s. In fact here the local law enforcement agency has been ordered to return a womans meds to her after she had them taken away. Of course the LEO can't do that because federal law still finds it illegal so they would be considered 'drug dealers'. But the woman suffered no criminal charges....besides it's just a plant.....isn't it? No harm No foul.


King Tut
As I stated I have my 215, not sure about any felony charges if I am a MMJ Patient. I'm not a criminal. I know that there has been several cases already thrown out coming from my county for people doing the same thing that are holding valid 215s. In fact here the local law enforcement agency has been ordered to return a womans meds to her after she had them taken away. Of course the LEO can't do that because federal law still finds it illegal so they would be considered 'drug dealers'. But the woman suffered no criminal charges....besides it's just a plant.....isn't it? No harm No foul.
That's a very thin line to walk imo.


Active Member
I think I crossed the line for a brief period when my harvest plus meds took me over three ounces. I am not judging. We just don't want any more of our brothers in cannabis taken political prisoner by our over powering nanny state.

LEO enforcement profiles are capricious at best.

Add FEDERAL jurisdiction over interstate drug trafficking to the mix and you may get suddenly surprised.

I think medical cannabis will stay legal as long as we do. I encourage all who partake to put the cannabis over the kwan and to stay legal.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replys! Any info helps out. I do currently have my prop 215 recommedation and it is actually current until 10/13, and from my understanding as long as I am holding my current 215 I can legally have my meds in Az. But I am living in yuma now and would like to get my prop 203 here in Az, if necessary I can go next door to El Centro for meds but transportation is a big issue since I have no car. I am a prior servicemember (combat medic), so am I understanding that a VA Doc signed off on your medical paperwork in order to get your 203? Thanks again for the info
my doctor didn't contact the VA. she just went by all the scripts i have.


Well-Known Member
Gotta wonder son times if there are police on here posing as patients. I wonder how someone like that would come off?........


Well-Known Member
Oh we know they are here now I wonder who they might be and what they might post about. What do you think Dutch black? What would a cop sound like on here?

dutch black

Oh we know they are here now I wonder who they might be and what they might post about. What do you think Dutch black? What would a cop sound like on here?
You sir are a first class asshole! I don't know what a pig would sound like....check out my previous posts dick! Sorry for the outburst but I haven't had my meds today, but I came here to get some information and you have to post idiotic replys! Just answer my question, if you have nothing else to say fuck off! Is that piggy enough for you?? How about you lick my asshole?? How about that!!! Sorry again I am relapsing back and meds will do that. FUCK OFF PRICK!!!......Holy cow that was just uncalled for you bleeding vaginal belch!!


King Tut
If one thinks, given a prominent member's rather recent legal issues, that leo hasn't looked at or is currently looking at (imo, only some fundamentalist bitch that has a hard-on for weed, not a department or agency other than the ones said member has dealt with)this site then they need to re-evaluate their critical thinking and common sense.

That being said, this is the internets and it's a free-for-all out here sometimes.

Be smart.

dutch black

I just relocated from Cali to Az. I am way down south in yuma and just got my Az DL and would like to know if anyone knows a Dr in the area that is a MMJ Physician? I don't see them opening a dispensary or collective here anytime soon and would like to get my garden going soon. Anyone have any info it would be appreciated.
Let me re-quote my original post. Very simple to read and understand, I am trying to get my 203 in AZ and wanted to know if anyone in my area had any information. Nice and fucking sweet, and then this knucklehead comes out of the blue about me being a whack ass LEO! A profiling racist thug gang member cop!! And that I am FAAAARRRR from, so if your response does not resemble any notion of the information that I am trying to obtain....well just move on and fuck with someone else! I have posted on here several times and most of those times were in response to my garden in Cali where I grew my owns personal medicine. And now I am wanting to get my 203 so that I can have my garden here in AZ and be LEGAL according to the laws established as they pertain the Prop 203. Sorry this is coming off harsh but I need my meds badly, am in alot of pain and get very frustrated at idiots who wanna blow shit all over other peoples posts to get attention. So once again Mr. Irieie I have no idea what a pig would be like but I do know a candidate for the biggest douche in the universe and buddy you got that shit hands down!


You sir are a first class asshole! I don't know what a pig would sound like....check out my previous posts dick! Sorry for the outburst but I haven't had my meds today, but I came here to get some information and you have to post idiotic replys! Just answer my question, if you have nothing else to say fuck off! Is that piggy enough for you?? How about you lick my asshole?? How about that!!! Sorry again I am relapsing back and meds will do that. FUCK OFF PRICK!!!......Holy cow that was just uncalled for you bleeding vaginal belch!!
meth is not a med. sorry.