Been busy trimming,drying,jaring and even washing. I am done to the Sour D which I had to take all the nice colas for worms should up. I lost about 4 good colas to I just chopped the others. It still got some good buds on it. I have two plants I need to harvest some of the bottoms. Besides that all thats left is pop corn. I ben letting the PK pop corn go. It's a trip what it turned into. I will be harvesting those soon. Just been to busy to get to them.
This two Plants here I need to pick some nugs off. Then I will let the pop corn go.
Some pop corn left to grow.
more pop corn
I am going to wash the botton two of these plants. They got hit with PM.
This is one of the purple kush I harvested on Oct. 2nd. This buds turned purple and are rock hard now. I need to harvest them asap.
Some more pop corn plants.
This is more of the PK. These got frosty as well.
The SD I had to take the tops from.