harvest time, excited!

Harvest time on Saturday. Will be day 68 for my white widow. Pics to come pre and post chop! I plan on hanging for 4 to 5 days then brown bagging for another 4 to 5 days, then its jar time for about a month or two! Thinking only about half of it will make it the fill month or two in jars lol.. Any extra harvesting suggestions??


Well-Known Member
Harvest time on Saturday. Will be day 68 for my white widow. Pics to come pre and post chop! I plan on hanging for 4 to 5 days then brown bagging for another 4 to 5 days, then its jar time for about a month or two! Thinking only about half of it will make it the fill month or two in jars lol.. Any extra harvesting suggestions??
congrats on getting to harvest. i can't remember my first one, but i'm thinking i was pretty damn happy and proud of myself. :)
I think I'm gonna trim everything before the hang... and this is my first harvest of something not bagseed! It was a clone from a seed from Michigan. Super proud of this one, though I'll have to say, sativa's are not good for the impatient.


Well-Known Member
yo fellowslongworth, your white widow looks nice dude. i just chopped mine this morning. i'm trying a new thing on this harvest, to dry before trimming. i found in the past that trimming first and then drying made the buds dry too fast and lose a lot of flavor. anyway, are your buds still hanging or in paper bags? if still hanging, i might ease off on the ventilation to avoid over drying. peace


Well-Known Member
only 8.5 weeks, because of a trip i had to cut it short. i'm sure i could've let them go another 2 weeks. they're drying now, so no turning back :)