A Videoman Challenge

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Well-Known Member
Given your questioning a master licenced tx electrician TEC11302
and you still claim 220 is cheaper and you have to back this up. i called you out three times.

this good ole internet, you cut and paste info showing me you will save money or KwH or KW by running higher voltage.

cunsumpiton is measured by a formula. google it or what ever, calling you out. and your 4 or 10 other electrical contacts where do they operate.

current and voltage are 2 different things.

and demand is what volume you consume.

this time tommarow i will enlighten you on the exact formula or you can eat crow now.

even if you runn hid on 3 phase 480 you will still pay the same........

but you keep claiming it so lets see your data and its source.


Well-Known Member
Holy cow dude, do you have your pants all riled up or what?

It makes no difference to me what you believe.

I did explain everything in the original thread....let it go!
There is no reason to re-post the info.
PS, save your "enlightenment for someone who is inerested, the thread was over long ago.

Given your questioning a master licenced tx electrician TEC11302
and you still claim 220 is cheaper and you have to back this up. i called you out three times.

this good ole internet, you cut and paste info showing me you will save money or KwH or KW by running higher voltage.

cunsumpiton is measured by a formula. google it or what ever, calling you out. and your 4 or 10 other electrical contacts where do they operate.

current and voltage are 2 different things.

and demand is what volume you consume.

this time tommarow i will enlighten you on the exact formula or you can eat crow now.

even if you runn hid on 3 phase 480 you will still pay the same........

but you keep claiming it so lets see your data and its source.


Well-Known Member
ya know youre right. you definately dont have to believe everything you read here but, everything that you read here should be CREDIBLE.

which means that there shouldnt be false info. just flying around, get my drift??

Im not saying that videoman is wrong for his postings (because truthfully, I have no fucking clue what this thread is about) Im just saying that they should actually figure out what is wrong, not just "drop it"

because what if something is wrong--- it needs to be fixed..


Well-Known Member
you might be the next one to use that false info and totally fuck your grow, Im sure you know what I mean by all this


Well-Known Member
im picking up what your putting down but i would listen to videoman, hes usually 99.99% right, maybe not on this topic but just read through a bit =D. Video you ROCK!!


Well-Known Member
Ive been listening to him since he became a member, and Ive never doubted anything he says, he IS VERY reputible and backs his info very well but, I just would like to see what this arguement unfolds... Im just curious


Well-Known Member
if theres a 50% reduction in energy cost then im all ears, please let me know, but if your just making shit up well, whats the point in that? i think maybe he read something somewhere without full understanding of it and posted this misinterpretation. its important that people know what can help them in real life and what is just something off the internet.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I too love Videoman. He's the shit! Good all around knowledge. However, this one time he just isn't correct. It's pretty simple. I already stated the facts in the original thread so there is no need to keep arguing the same thing. If you want to see if there is any savings then try it for yourself. Research it on the internet. etc. etc. etc.

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