opinions on gay marrage ??

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i really hate all statements, like that " i dont have a problem with gays but..."
its such bullshit YOU DO have a problem with gays,...you just add that first statement to make yourself seem like a tolerant person but you're not.
your right but I have gay friends or kinda friends...more like acquaintances, but still...


Ursus marijanus
just as a little side note I do not have anything against gays personally I just think its wrong and they should not be allowed to get married and/or raise kids.
Your first and subsequent posts practically radiate your animus against gay people.

You keep saying "it's wrong", but i have never once seen a convincing argument for that that didn't ultimately derive from a compulsion to evangelize. If your authority for this is religious, I implore you: stop. Religion is like a penis - don't be ashamed of it but don't put it into the faces of people who haven't indicated that that's what they want.
And religions are historically the worst imaginable source of information, attitude and doctrine about sex and sexuality. My opinion. cn


Staff member
your right but I have gay friends or kinda friends...more like acquaintances, but still...
exactly acquaintances, its cause you want to seem tolerable, but you're really not. i cant change any ones views and i dont want too i usually stay out of these threads because it hits REALLY close to home, you should probably think before you speak to about 400 000 forum members.


Well-Known Member
Then we should be allowed to do whatever we want around them well I guess you are because they are your kids after all but your not getting drunk pissing on the floor in front of kids are you...? nope so be a adult and set a good example for kids. Not being gay is one of thse imo

If I can be who I am then it should be fine for me to walk around naked right? Well its not because we have a society with laws and that wouldnt be right.
So I'm a good dad if I don't suck dick (what about Mom), or piss on the carpet?
Why not let them raise a kid I highly doubt they will raise their kid to like the same sex.
Now theres a valid point. But how and the hell do people become gay or decide hey I wanna be gay because your not born that way... Is it you just couldnt get along w/ people of the opposite sex? Couldnt find a good woman? or what?


Well-Known Member
Now theres a valid point. But how and the hell do people become gay or decide hey I wanna be gay because your not born that way... Is it you just couldnt get along w/ people of the opposite sex? Couldnt find a good woman? or what?
if you kill yourself, i'll give you the secret gay answers. but only if you kill yourself first.


Staff member
Now theres a valid point. But how and the hell do people become gay or decide hey I wanna be gay because your not born that way... Is it you just couldnt get along w/ people of the opposite sex? Couldnt find a good woman? or what?
just show me your scientific proof that gay people aren't born gay please?

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
ITS A TRAP!... Obviously this is not his real opinion about gays. People with extremely retarded opinions like these usually dropped out of school before grade 8, or never went to school at all, have horrible grammar and most likely cant afford a computer because they are on welfare, and probably preach about JEEZUZ too. (Im assuming he didnt preach, didnt read all the replies). This guy is laughing his ass off from all the shit he is disturbing. Dont get trolled!


Now theres a valid point. But how and the hell do people become gay or decide hey I wanna be gay because your not born that way... Is it you just couldnt get along w/ people of the opposite sex? Couldnt find a good woman? or what?
you just realize you like the cock, or the pussy if you're a female.

i don't mind the cock, it doesn't scare me.. i'd prefer it away from my ass though..
but i also very much enjoy the warm moist vagina.


Well-Known Member
ITS A TRAP!... Obviously this is not his real opinion about gays. People with extremely retarded opinions like these usually dropped out of school before grade 8, or never went to school at all, have horrible grammar and most likely cant afford a computer because they are on welfare, and probably preach about JEEZUZ too. (Im assuming he didnt preach, didnt read all the replies). This guy is laughing his ass off from all the shit he is disturbing. Dont get trolled!
I'm beginning to think the same thing.
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