opinions on gay marrage ??

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Well-Known Member


Ursus marijanus
ITS A TRAP!... Obviously this is not his real opinion about gays. People with extremely retarded opinions like these usually dropped out of school before grade 8, or never went to school at all, have horrible grammar and most likely cant afford a computer because they are on welfare, and probably preach about JEEZUZ too. (Im assuming he didnt preach, didnt read all the replies). This guy is laughing his ass off from all the shit he is disturbing. Dont get trolled!
CWE, I don't think I ever dreamed I'd say this, but ~deep breath~
I hope to God you're right. cn
you just realize you like the cock, or the pussy if you're a female.

i don't mind the cock, it doesn't scare me.. i'd prefer it away from my ass though..
but i also very much enjoy the warm moist vagina.

lmao even my girls finger in my butt hurt how would anyone take a cock!?


that we can agree on...

rimjobs feel awesome, but a finger in the ass is the most uncomfortable thing for me.
i couldn't image how bad it would feel getting fucked in the ass.
lmfao this is now fucking hilarious I need to smoke and go lay down
Sorry guys for stirring ya'll up...just the TEXAS IN ME yeee hah ride em cowdoy! katchhhh (wip snap as I ride off into the night)


Well-Known Member
lmfao this is now fucking hilarious I need to smoke and go lay down
Sorry guys for stirring ya'll up...just the TEXAS IN ME yeee hah ride em cowdoy! katchhhh (wip snap as I ride off into the night)
texas explains a lot.

it also reinforces the need for you to go kill yourself.
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