transplant ?


Active Member
I'm just shy of 2 weeks and my plants are slow growing in comparison to some pics I have seen on here. After using the paper towel method i put them in mg starting seed soil in clear plastic cups with holes cut in the bottom, under cfl. Appearently not enough bc they stretched quite a bit so now I have them under 2 400w mh at half power, i tried bumping up to 75% which they liked but I realized my ventilation was inadequite and the slight jump in power really put off a lot more heat, so now I'm seeing roots towards the bottom of my cups but my foilage seems to be lacking. Should I go ahead and transplant into my 2.5 gallon buckets with happy frog and fix my ventilation so i can bump up my lights? Please I need some expierenced guidance here!


Well-Known Member
For future reference, I read that clear containers are not the best for them, never tried experimenting to find out, but that is what I read.
If you're seeing roots down low, I would think you can repot them, but some pics would probably get you more answers.
When you do end up moving them, you can bury some of the stem so it isn't as stretched.


And when you transplant, don't be scared if the plant seems to wither almost instantly...If you snap some roots in the process the plant will transplant-shock, but it will perk up again after a while. I had a mini heart-attack with my first grow when I transplanted and a couple of roots snapped :D


Active Member
Def transplant into black containers! Roots turn green and stop growing in the presence of light. Plant em deep when you re pot. Be sure to take extra care in transplanting. It will take time for the plant to recover if the roots are damanged, time that will be wasted in you utility bill! Good luck!


Active Member
Agreed. There is a sticky on here for exactly that. Replanting stretchy stems. Good luck man!
For future reference, I read that clear containers are not the best for them, never tried experimenting to find out, but that is what I read.
If you're seeing roots down low, I would think you can repot them, but some pics would probably get you more answers.
When you do end up moving them, you can bury some of the stem so it isn't as stretched.
I have read the sticky about stretchy stems and really wanted to do it asap but it made more sense to let them develop a better root system also the reason for starting in clear cups, so I could watch for roots as this is my first grow, although i too have heard its not a good idea but have yet to fully understand why. Thanks for the advice, I'm going to go get busy. on second thought should I do it in my dark cycle?


Well-Known Member
in clear plastic cups..............

re-pot to opaque pots and continue grow. roots that get light don't work.


Active Member
And when you transplant, don't be scared if the plant seems to wither almost instantly...If you snap some roots in the process the plant will transplant-shock, but it will perk up again after a while. I had a mini heart-attack with my first grow when I transplanted and a couple of roots snapped :D
transplant carefully make sure to pull out all the dirt,it will help to not shock
Thanks for the pre-calming anxiety advice bc I probably would have freaked out but my intention is to be gentle and try to "dump" my whole cup out as to make sure and get all the roots in tact. Should I preform this in light or dark or does it matter?


Well-Known Member
thanks for the pre-calming anxiety advice bc i probably would have freaked out but my intention is to be gentle and try to "dump" my whole cup out as to make sure and get all the roots in tact. Should i preform this in light or dark or does it matter?
in the light,but put something down to cover your area from loose soil that may fall,i cut the cups in half if the stem isnt strong enough to pull from the base.