Advanced Nutrients - Don't understand feeding schedule


Active Member
Hi there, i am growing a single plant in a 15l pot; using coco professional and feeding it Advanced Nutrients Micro-Grow-Bloom. I have been following the back of the bottles with how much to feed but still don't 100% understand it all. My PPM always reads far more than the bottle says, even after adding the correct amount from each bottle. I am at the end of my first week of flower and don't quite know how much i should be feeding her or how often. I now understand you shouldn't be feeding it every time with you water it, using the whole amount of nutrients specified on the bottle for the entire week rather than every time you feed it. Could someone please advise me on what i should be feeding her.

Many thanks


Active Member
Does the plant look healthy?
Word! Look for yellowing on upper new growth. That will be a tell tale sign she is a hungry girl. AN is awesome shit, easy to over do it though. Also, how often are you watering? That will make a big diff as well.


Using your PPM metre my recommendation is to start on a lower amount of food and build up over a week or so and whilst increasing your nutes keep checking your plants to see if any probs happen, I.e yellowing off leaves etc, if so you can always lower the feed again etc ...... Read the plant they will let you know what and when they need it.


New Member
If you follow Big Mikes ( Adv Nutes ) Feeding schedule you will need a loan or perhaps an arm and leg .. Its a rip off and pure B.S.

Look at your PPM and Ph as stated and observe how the plants react .. I like the range of 800-1200 PPM Depending on growth stage , genetics and medium being used .

Do yourself a favor and switch nutes and learn to adjust accordingly and youll be gold , most of the additives on the market are useless and not intended for short term crops ......


Active Member
Hi cheers for the feedback. The plants at the moment look fine no yellowing on the canopy. I water my plants 1.5l every day pretty much or depending how she looks and the amount of runoff i get, if i get non at all i give her another water the day after. I have seen those Advanced Nutrients Feeding Schedule thins on their website. When i input my information it says to feed her way way more than i am at the moment and at the moment my EC pen says its at 1600PPM so i always have to top it up with water to lower the EC each time i feed her.

Thanks again


Well-Known Member
One thing the haters will always "forget" to mention is that NO ONE's feeding schedule is something that should blindly follow. Oh, they'll rip on whichever nute company they don't like for printing a dosing rate that isn't precisely spot-on for every single plant in the world, but they get all bent out of shape if you try to follow their favorite line's instructions to the letter and blame the nutes for burning the plants.

They're plants. They vary. How much nutes you'll need depends on the strain, the environment, the amount of light, CO2... so many factors. Feeding schedules are written as a kind of baseline. Usually you have to mix the nutrients lighter than they suggest because as far as I can tell it's the industry standard to assume we're all hard-core multi-1kw HPS CO2-addin' uber-growers. Yeah, if you've got a heavy-eating strain and you're absolutely killin' it with the CO2 and enough lights to blind Stevie Wonder you can usually up the dose from what they say. But most people dial it back. That's just the way it is.

The important thing to know is whether you're using the pH Perfect version of their line or not. You probably are, I'm not sure if the old line is even still available though there's probably a few hydro shops around who have some left they're trying to pawn off on unsuspecting growers. The new ones have a gorilla on the label. That's supposed to be 1mL/L for seedlings/clones, 2mL/L for small plants, and 4mL/L for mature plants. If you're using less and the plants are happy there's no reason to mess with success. Just keep an eye on them and if your leaves start to look a smidge pale you know they're hungry and you can just up the dose.

Keep in mind that coco likes to hold onto certain micronutrients and can cause trouble that way sometimes. Just keep an eye on them, it's an easy fix. I use their 800 number whenever I get stumped and they've always been helpful to me.

Speaking of your ppm being higher than you expect, what's the starting ppm of your water before you add nutes?


Active Member
Hi there, i am growing a single plant in a 15l pot; using coco professional and feeding it Advanced Nutrients Micro-Grow-Bloom. I have been following the back of the bottles with how much to feed but still don't 100% understand it all. My PPM always reads far more than the bottle says, even after adding the correct amount from each bottle. I am at the end of my first week of flower and don't quite know how much i should be feeding her or how often. I now understand you shouldn't be feeding it every time with you water it, using the whole amount of nutrients specified on the bottle for the entire week rather than every time you feed it. Could someone please advise me on what i should be feeding her.

Many thanks
Can't tell if you're using the pH Perfect nutrients or not, but my AN experience has told me that following the directions isn't always the best way to go. I've found it easier to follow the directions with the pH Perfect nutrients, but with other nutrients from AN, I've had to use about 25% less than what the bottle says.

It's strong stuff, and you need to watch what your plants are doing to respond correctly. Of course, all plants are different, so you just need to be observant.


Well-Known Member
Nutrients are less like high school chemistry and more like home economics. It's a recipe, not a formula.

Think of it like making chili. Some people like really hot chili. Some people don't want any heat at all. (Heat is the total ppm in this example.)
If someone gives you a recipe for chili, you don't just dump in a ton of hot peppers because the recipe calls for that. You put in the amount you think you'll like, whether that's more, the same, or less.

The smart cook always starts out less spicy than they think they want, and adds more until they hit the right amount. It's easy to make chili spicier, hard to make it less spicy. Same with nutes.

Hi there, i am growing a single plant in a 15l pot; using coco professional and feeding it Advanced Nutrients Micro-Grow-Bloom. I have been following the back of the bottles with how much to feed but still don't 100% understand it all. My PPM always reads far more than the bottle says, even after adding the correct amount from each bottle.
What's the ppm of the water you're starting with?

That may be the cause. When they say the ppm will be X, they mean when you start with RO water which has very low (nearly zero) ppm. If your water's ppm is Y, the ending ppm will be X+Y.

I am at the end of my first week of flower and don't quite know how much i should be feeding her or how often. I now understand you shouldn't be feeding it every time with you water it, using the whole amount of nutrients specified on the bottle for the entire week rather than every time you feed it. Could someone please advise me on what i should be feeding her.
It's already been said, but the easy answer is that if the plants are happy and healthy, you're doing fine. Sounds like you're feeding your plants about the right amount.

One easy way to get answers is the Tech Support number on the label. Advanced Nutrients is good about giving advice and they don't even care whether you're using their products. (They might suggest you buy them, but no big deal there, it's part of their job. Like the guys at McDonalds who always ask if you want fries with that or whatever.) They've always been really helpful to me.