The Seed Collectors Thread

T Ray

Well-Known Member
damn hazey...I read a few of your posts after a few haters/trolls compared me to you...very impressive...I'm honored
I've never posted here, but I do follow it. I have to post this b/c you obviously have no clue about HAZEY.

Check the link here and go to post 30443

That plant/pic right under hazeys post/impressive seed list (posted by captainsticky) is some of hazeys very finest smoke. A real sativa uppy high just like he likes em. ROFL.

Still impressed/honored?


Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
all of these seeds are ma favorites bred with one of the last joey weed C99 x A11 males available before his gear went extinct. the two crosses on the left of each row were bred from the first crosses i made at the end of 2010 with a joey weed C99 male. i named the original super cali haze x C99 mom that made this cross "fruity booty" because the buds were fat assed, sticky and had a generic fruit flavor like most of the other fruity strains i grew under my new sodium last year. under my original halide (i'm not using sodiums anymore as i'm only after quality and full terpene & THC expression, not yield!) SCH and to a lesser extent C99 both had grape flavors that the offspring didn't exhibit under the sodium. some research confirmed you need full spectrum light for full terpene expression.

starting from left to right in the back row i've collected:
(super cali haze x C99) x cindy apollo
malaw gold x cindy apollo
jack's cleaner 2 x cindy apollo
sour cream x cindy apollo
sweet haze x cindy apollo
(likely to claim the fruity booty name as sweet haze is my favorite traditional haze so far)
C99 bx x cindy apollo (my "house C99" though i still have a bunch of green C99 bx seeds left)
CH9 jack x cindy apollo
sativa trans-love x cindy apollo
(seattle girl)
masterkush auto red pheno x cindy apollo

i also have cindy apollo crosses i made with auto-jack, thai fantasy, thai skunk, rokerij (fake) amnesia haze, & super lemon haze plus maybe another strain or two. those all had similar generic fruity haze flavors and buzzes. the 8 favorites, besides the two second generation "pride strains" all had outstanding buzzes, flavors and/or growth habits with STL being a compact generic haze bud making machine i've since bought seeds for for future breeding of compact hazes that bud fast.

my hopes are that the malawi CA is even better than haze skunk and possibly faster, the sour cream cross retains most of it's delicious flavor with a more active than skunk #1 buzz because of the cindy A, the seattle girl is as bud crazy as STL, but faster finishing, the jack cross has some "cash cropping" potential as it's mom looked but not smelled or smoked like an indica and that the deep crimson color of the masterkush gets passed on for future breeding.

these are my favorite crosses from my second grow:
is this guy still posting how does he have 1100 POST


New Member
What can you do but laugh at the HazeyHaters...they wish they were as well spoken and knowledgeable on growing and breeding as he is.


Well-Known Member
What can you do but laugh at the HazeyHaters...they wish they were as well spoken and knowledgeable on growing as he is.
I was waiting for that..... lol

If only I was as "well spoken and knowledgeable" as the hazey-g-meister :D

** holy crap I think I just busted my guts laughing.......