Well-Known Member
No kidding, you are a trolling retard out of a down syndrome board.... no challenge what so ever!!this is like trolling retards on a down syndrome challenge whatsoever

You joined this forum that long ago and still haven't contributed anything worth while! Personally I don't define my self by how long I have been at this site. Your references are all hear-say and you claim no personal experience for any of the stupid comments you make. Fool speech for no purpose, thats all you got. You come on here talking trash of several breeders that many of us have direct experience with so we know first hand that your full of shit.
He is a stranger period, you signed up that long ago and only have a handful of posts. I have been here lurking many years before signing up, that is completely besides the point. Since signing up I have gotten to know these other people. It's called creating interpersonal relationships, that's why your surrounded right now.