My Most Desperate Hour


They all seem to be turning for the worst. :sad: I really believe it started with the roots being too wet. And After I repotted 4-5 days ago im really not sure what do do at this point my previous soil mix consisted of Organic Soil (from homeD) and Peat Moss about 50/50. The soil did have lots of woods chip in it though. So a 4-5 days ago I purchased top soil, perlite and organic compost. 40soil/30perlite/30compost. I watered two days after. The brown seems to be creeping up still leaves seem to be shrinking. I did have some concern about the roots when I transplanted I was very careful about removing excess dirt. I wasn't sure how to place the roots, the really wasn't but one way to do just kinda laid them in there and bury them? I'm also concerned that it could be due to not burying the plants deep enough. I got the impresssion after transplant somewhere that the plant should be buried deeper after its transplanted. Here are the pics :( :IMG_0270.jpgIMG_0271.jpgIMG_0272.jpgIMG_0273.jpgIMG_0274.jpgIMG_0275.jpgIMG_0276.jpgIMG_0277.jpg It looks to me like the very tops of them are still responding but I fear it may stiill be too late.


Active Member
If you can, get more soil and put it around the bases to give them some support.
Looks like nute burn to me but I am not an expert. Were you feeding nutes?


Well-Known Member
They all seem to be turning for the worst. :sad: I really believe it started with the roots being too wet. And After I repotted 4-5 days ago im really not sure what do do at this point my previous soil mix consisted of Organic Soil (from homeD) and Peat Moss about 50/50. The soil did have lots of woods chip in it though. So a 4-5 days ago I purchased top soil, perlite and organic compost. 40soil/30perlite/30compost. I watered two days after. The brown seems to be creeping up still leaves seem to be shrinking. I did have some concern about the roots when I transplanted I was very careful about removing excess dirt. I wasn't sure how to place the roots, the really wasn't but one way to do just kinda laid them in there and bury them? I'm also concerned that it could be due to not burying the plants deep enough. I got the impresssion after transplant somewhere that the plant should be buried deeper after its transplanted. Here are the pics :( :View attachment 2382467View attachment 2382468View attachment 2382469View attachment 2382470View attachment 2382471View attachment 2382472View attachment 2382473View attachment 2382475 It looks to me like the very tops of them are still responding but I fear it may stiill be too late.
sorry about that bro, they are kinda sick. peat moss straight is a bit acidic and if your ph balance is out you will get nute lockout meaning the roots cannot absorb any nutrients. also you don't want to bury the crown of the plant. the crown of a plant is the location where the stem and soil meet. if you bury it too much you give no room for the taproot to grow thus reducing size of your plants. i keep the crown the same during transplant. the rule of thumb for watering is making sure your soil or medium has good drainage and dont be afraid to use your finger around the edge of the pot...feel down an inch and if it is not too moist and the container feels light water it. If it is moist and the container feels like it has some weight then don't water. seedlings and young plants don't need alot of water yet bro. and for soil never cheat on it. the local home depo's and lowes usually has crap soil. you want soil that is organic, has stuff like dolomite, perlite, coco husks, worm castings, bat guano, kelp, etc. good medium equals great plants. hope that helps...


Well-Known Member
They all seem to be turning for the worst. :sad: I really believe it started with the roots being too wet. And After I repotted 4-5 days ago im really not sure what do do at this point my previous soil mix consisted of Organic Soil (from homeD) and Peat Moss about 50/50. The soil did have lots of woods chip in it though. So a 4-5 days ago I purchased top soil, perlite and organic compost. 40soil/30perlite/30compost. I watered two days after. The brown seems to be creeping up still leaves seem to be shrinking. I did have some concern about the roots when I transplanted I was very careful about removing excess dirt. I wasn't sure how to place the roots, the really wasn't but one way to do just kinda laid them in there and bury them? I'm also concerned that it could be due to not burying the plants deep enough. I got the impresssion after transplant somewhere that the plant should be buried deeper after its transplanted. Here are the pics :( :View attachment 2382467View attachment 2382468View attachment 2382469View attachment 2382470View attachment 2382471View attachment 2382472View attachment 2382473View attachment 2382475 It looks to me like the very tops of them are still responding but I fear it may stiill be too late.
also stick with blue'er light on the beginning growth. if you use orange/redder temp lights your plants will stretch and become leggy and thin during seedling stage. 5000k to 6500k for cfl's or metal halide for hid lights.


If you can, get more soil and put it around the bases to give them some support.
Looks like nute burn to me but I am not an expert. Were you feeding nutes?
I've used fish emulsion and Some sort or root boost only twice throughout the entire grow. 1 and a half months.

@tooteefrootee So the tap root should be slightly exposed? Also I think I'm almost at a point of no return It's the first ever grow, and I feel like at this point what ever I do next has got to be a step in the right direction or doom will definitely set in. Everyday I go in. they're in worse condition, well like I said the tops do respond to light and water, (positively) but their overall health is admittedly rather poor.


Ursus marijanus
I think your custom soil mixes are a big part of the problem. What I see are pH/lockout issues. If your soil contains much sodium (and with your listed ingredients, "topsoil" and "compost" could be and have anything), you're fighting a losing battle.
What sort of water are you using? Is there a water softener where you live? cn