A Videoman Challenge

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Well-Known Member
he cant repost because there is no fact. videoman i like your ideas but alot of stuff your way off or posting non factual data.

again please find your thread post you bs you again last night said you proved me wrong. back it up if you really are into looking like a growing guru and well versed in electrical formulas and other areas lets look at this one.
otherwise i will personally pick apart your posts one by one to show others your only blowing smoke man

like you just said
i cant really back it up abudsmoker because its was a non factual post


Well-Known Member
just drop it man, if he's really into posing like a "growing guru" then let him do so, its not worth your time to try and debunk him.


Well-Known Member
Woooooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooo! Board drama! I don't expect us all to get along, but can we just smoke a doobie and call it a day?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
If we all know not to stick batteries in our mouths why do we all know what a 9volt battery tastes like??


Well-Known Member
Given your questioning a master licenced tx electrician TEC11302
and you still claim 220 is cheaper and you have to back this up. i called you out three times.

this good ole internet, you cut and paste info showing me you will save money or KwH or KW by running higher voltage.

cunsumpiton is measured by a formula. google it or what ever, calling you out. and your 4 or 10 other electrical contacts where do they operate.

current and voltage are 2 different things.

and demand is what volume you consume.

this time tommarow i will enlighten you on the exact formula or you can eat crow now.

even if you runn hid on 3 phase 480 you will still pay the same........

but you keep claiming it so lets see your data and its source.
Im not saying this just bcuz Im a fellow electrician, but this guy^^ is right.. I read the original post by video man, and although it sounds right, its really not. Videoman in Ur original post U told everyone that by using 240v U would cut back on the cost, but it wouldn't..using double the voltage would just make U use half the current..they're inversely proportionate in the W/E=I forumla. so while the number of Volts, and Amps will change the ending result of watts will still be the same, so you will be charged the same using 240v as 120v

edit oh ya, you also said that the meters are measured in Volt Amps..my meter is measured in KwH (kilowatt/hours)
I have never worked on a house or building that was measured in VA for power consumption.


Active Member
Talk about being smart check this out master licenced tx electrician TEC11302 I know who and where you are and who you work for. If the feds read this post they won't let you grow in jail. I think you need to back off videoman we like him he helps and don't want to fight with no one. So ask yourself this question if it doesn't make a differance why do we have so many different voltages. Videoman said he is not and electrician and posted some formulas that are right just about everybody here posted something right to include master licenced tx electrician TEC11302. This is how it works
I don't have to go check with some one else and tell ya later because I lived it 30 + years. higher voltage lower current smaller wire. The guy buying the wire sometimes saves more than 50%. Does the end user paying the electric bill save 50% most likely not but he does save and here is how. Wire has a thing called line loss. Most people have unpluged a cord and said damn thats hot. Line loss plus every connection it goes through has line loss. It is lost in the form of heat. Watts you pay for that don't get to the light. Higher voltage less current = less loss in the form of heat. And in some extreme cases it could be 50% and that is where all those electrical house fires come from line loss in loose electricial connections. After a while they get so hot they catch on fire. When wire gets hot it swells and when it cools it shrinks. The longer it does this the worse it gets and more loss. How much you save at 220 depends on your wire/connection condition. So why do we have 120/220 ? In Europe they only have 220 period. 220 is better and you can't prove other wise. The point here being cost. Well by the time you rewire your house to the lights it will cost you every thing you were going to save. The shit on the pole outside your house is 220. Us real smart electricians like master licenced tx electrician TEC11302 wanted to make things safer for end users so we changed it to 120. OOps we were wrong and just burned down houses. There are very few electricial fires in Europe. DO NOT WIRE YOUR OWN SHIT UNLESS YOU KNOW HOW. Electricians do not learn how to be electricians on their own and it takes a long time and we never learn all we need to learn. Mankind still don't understand eletricity we only know how we use it. These stressed out debates is common between us electricians and I don't know why. At 50+ some of us start calming down. Many of use have asked you to let it go. So pleased let it go. If that don't work try smoking a joint or 2 . Still need someone to fight with then do it with me and leave videoman alone we don't want to loose him he helps us learn how to grow. But please lets do it somewhere else this is a grow forum.


Well-Known Member
Im hoping someone edits this post and takes out his electrician number immediatley if he can be identified by it... I beg the moderator of this thread to lock it and take the number down... Even if the guy went a little over board about the topic...trust me, videoman wont leave because of one piece of bad info (at least i think he wont) and this dude dont deserve jail time for growing weed (my oponion)... Please take down the electricans number, cuz in all fairness (i love you video =D) he was right.


Well-Known Member
What does it matter anyway, theres so much mis-information on this site now.

Exactly my point. you get some NEW farmers starting out like videoman who as he said only grown once to start more misinformation. they they spread this shit then it propogates itself everywhere


Well-Known Member
pft. no body is right all the time. and if u are fuk off bc know-it-alls are annoying. sometimes i'm wrong on purpose just bc its funner. so hard being perfect u know? anyway here's a few fun electricity facts. these are based off of my understadning of electricity, so any experts feel free to tell me where im wrong. hell idiots too! i dont care ;)

using 220 vs 120 is safer bc of the v:c ratio
u must be electrocuted for nearly 2x the amount of time at 220 to get the results of 120 at same watt ratio. or wait u can take nearly twice the electrocution in watts at 220 than at 120. less amps are safer for people who get shocked a lot. it takes very few amps to kill, but 10,000 volts with nearly no amps is called a stun gun. put that in your pipes and smoke it u sneaky snakes. do u really want to end up like this?

then dont play with amps and dont lick batteries over 9v.


Well-Known Member
Gee abudsmoker, however distasteful this thread is for me as you've made it a personal attack. I researched it more, and the real simple and truthful answer is: it depends. It depends on how far away the outlet is and on line loss, as it was explained to me. However, Alpha1 explained it perfectly correct. Please re-read his reply, as he is correct. As I understand it, the further the line travels, the greater the line loss.

My electrical experience is not as an electrician, but I have built many commercial kitchens, and I would always use the 240 rather that 120 if given the option, as it was recommended by my electric company. I also remember once owning an electric dryer that was 110 and god how awful that thing was! lol

Although if your a master electrician, you could have simply said, while what videoman is saying is true, his reasoning for coming to that conclusion is flawed.

I am not upset with you, nor am I leaving. I love this site, and I also made a few new friends from your thread, thanks! An argumment dosent have to be a personal attack, in fact I've made some great friends here thru arguments, Jason comes to mind when him and I argued over co2 once, to this day him and I still PM each other periodically, just to touch base.

So far as my credentials are concerned, yes I have had only one successful indoor grow, due to a failed (previous) outdoor grow. I quickly learned the value of being able to control my environment. I have however been involved with the drug manufacturing community for quite some time previously to growing, so growing wasn't a huge leap for me, as it is for some people. So I am not above learning and appearantly either are you, as you just learned something too, line loss.

Having said that, please feel free to "pick apart my posts" is that is what you want to do. If not you could just get on with your growing.

Talk about being smart check this out master licenced tx electrician TEC11302 I know who and where you are and who you work for. If the feds read this post they won't let you grow in jail. I think you need to back off videoman we like him he helps and don't want to fight with no one. So ask yourself this question if it doesn't make a differance why do we have so many different voltages. Videoman said he is not and electrician and posted some formulas that are right just about everybody here posted something right to include master licenced tx electrician TEC11302. This is how it works
I don't have to go check with some one else and tell ya later because I lived it 30 + years. higher voltage lower current smaller wire. The guy buying the wire sometimes saves more than 50%. Does the end user paying the electric bill save 50% most likely not but he does save and here is how. Wire has a thing called line loss. Most people have unpluged a cord and said damn thats hot. Line loss plus every connection it goes through has line loss. It is lost in the form of heat. Watts you pay for that don't get to the light. Higher voltage less current = less loss in the form of heat. And in some extreme cases it could be 50% and that is where all those electrical house fires come from line loss in loose electricial connections. After a while they get so hot they catch on fire. When wire gets hot it swells and when it cools it shrinks. The longer it does this the worse it gets and more loss. How much you save at 220 depends on your wire/connection condition. So why do we have 120/220 ? In Europe they only have 220 period. 220 is better and you can't prove other wise. The point here being cost. Well by the time you rewire your house to the lights it will cost you every thing you were going to save. The shit on the pole outside your house is 220. Us real smart electricians like master licenced tx electrician TEC11302 wanted to make things safer for end users so we changed it to 120. OOps we were wrong and just burned down houses. There are very few electricial fires in Europe. DO NOT WIRE YOUR OWN SHIT UNLESS YOU KNOW HOW. Electricians do not learn how to be electricians on their own and it takes a long time and we never learn all we need to learn. Mankind still don't understand eletricity we only know how we use it. These stressed out debates is common between us electricians and I don't know why. At 50+ some of us start calming down. Many of use have asked you to let it go. So pleased let it go. If that don't work try smoking a joint or 2 . Still need someone to fight with then do it with me and leave videoman alone we don't want to loose him he helps us learn how to grow. But please lets do it somewhere else this is a grow forum.


Well-Known Member
Check this out. This is on the FAQ page at High Tech Garden Supply's website
High Tech Garden Supply

  • 120 volt or 240 volt, am I saving electricity?
    This is the biggest myth in the indoor gardening world. There is absolutely no energy savings by using 240 volts instead of 120 volts. Remember back to your high school science class, you learned something called "Ohm's Law", that states P = I * E. In this equation, P = Power (watts), I = current (Amps), E = Voltage. To demonstrate, a typical 400 watt HPS lighting system is rated at 3.8 Amps at 120 volts or 1.9 Amps at 240 volts. (This information can be found on the electrical label found on your lighting system's ballast unit). Therefore the energy used for the 400w HPS light for the different voltages is: 120v = 3.8 Amps x 120 volts = 456 watts 240v = 1.9 Amps x 240 volts = 456 watts While there is no energy savings associated with using 240 volts, there is an advantage for indoor gardens that are utilizing many lights. Basically you can operate twice the amount of lighting systems on a 240 volt circuit than you can on a 120 volt circuit.


Well-Known Member
I understand and have previously read that, the post has moved though, from a savings based on wattage to line loss as posted above. I think it was posted earlier on in this thread.
Thanks for the info though.


Well-Known Member
Well, I may be ignorant in electricity, as it is not my career move, I do however know how to call my electric company, and they informed me that there is indeed a cost savings using the 240 instead of 120. Other places may vary, I dont know. It will be based on what the apliance is, for a hps light, the warm up time would be reduced, and that is where the savings will come in, not from line loss or from my appearant mis-calculations, so we were all wrong. I would not expect this to mean a 50% savings though.
Call your own electrric company to verify this.


Well-Known Member
I don't know much about electricity. You are all way over my head. Guess I am just to dumb to get this info into my pot soaked brain.

Basics I plug it in and it runs. Okay that works for me.


Well-Known Member
very interesting after posting here my office got a visit from a power company as well as a residence. more proof you should not be posting info on here. with a licence # they did look into it within 48 hours at that. there has been a real increase in room takedowns here...

last week i posted 2 in one day that made the news and the following morning there was another 4 for a total in 6 in 2 days. this led to the destruction of all of our ladies. here in this part of the country march arpil is the desired shut down phase due to heat. but when your area sees a rise in confiscation and seizure you have to be ready too destroy it all.

there was a remote chance they found me too as i had direct helicopter pass over one area last week. then one last night. then the power company. there is always the chance of this and make sure to keep tight lips when and if you do this. make sure you dont post pictures that give out proximity details or post your current areas till your done.

for me the fact they took six rooms comparable to mine told me to wrap it up. and dont ever hesitate to do so. usually the time this stuff hits the news your usually too late and understand the what is reguarded by some a a simple harmless drug, while to your goverment it is very serious. being that i had wrapped up my setups i can peak openly now so i used this time to call out some serious misinformation.

it was really alarming to see myself become hotspot but you need to always understand there is a balance to everything. for me with a family and young kids many extra steps were taken to safeguard my family and assets. this ment i had to spend a large amount of time preparing for this hobby. once you finish then you can babble about it, however everything comes to a end at somepoint. just know when to say when and dont fear losing it all. once
they sniff you out they will come after you get out before you become a member of club fed


Well-Known Member
If you wear your anti detection foil hat it will fix all of your problems but you have to wear it in public.
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