First time growing


Active Member
Over water'd she needs to dry out brutha... Don't start nutes until 3 - 4 weeks and at first only at 1/4 strength.



Well-Known Member
water it when you can stick your finger in the soil and it dont feel wet, and for the light it should get at least IMO 18 hours of light some people do 20 hours and she should be ok just as long as you let that soil dry out good b4 next water
water it when you can stick your finger in the soil and it dont feel wet, and for the light it should get at least IMO 18 hours of light some people do 20 hours and she should be ok just as long as you let that soil dry out good b4 next water
Oh, where I live atm theres only like 10-11 hours a day of sunlight and its not very strong, so I think ill start using my 40 W light but its kind of hot. :o


Well-Known Member
let it get the natural light all day and use your light for the rest just keep it far enough away from her so you dont burn her easy way to test that is stick your hand between your plant and the bulb if its to hot for your hand its to hot for the plant , and also what kind of bulb is it?


Active Member
Incandescent light will not work, it has to be at least a CFL.. as for light schedule... I agree with botanist.. some do 20 on 4 off.. Im a 18 / 6 man myself...