weird gnant like bugs

Hi lads, a little back ground. This is my first grow, I am a newbie i know and the odds are low that id ever make it to harvest. That all ive goten in replys usually. or all that ive seen people say to questions from newbies. I accepted that fact that i probaly would not make it but heres the thing. after 35 days in veg (under a t5)v4ft 4 bulb (with no exhaust) as of last sunday (10 days ago) the was a can fan 8 inch h.o. inline fan exhausting the test. I have on one end of my tent the fan connected by ducting to my tube and then more ducting connecting the other side of my tube to my carbon filter. Average day time temp is 77 degrees F. night time temp ( i Dont know becuase i wont risk a light leak to check it.) its just going very smoothly the next day i switched to 12; 12 with 1 600 wat hps and good got better, the 5 make exposedthemselves and were purged, and im left now with 8 beautiful females . Amazing node development and lady parts coming out in all.1 has at least 40 budding sites.and i hate to be foward but i think the budding has begin becuase these new growth i thought were more leaves except they're not opening up into leaves rather they're becomeing larger and denser. i have t raise my light daily.some are still in 2 gallon veg pots and monday im going to get them into 7gal bag and then the should be off.
I tried to post minimially becuase i didnt want to deal with know it alls telling everyne how god awful they are because the garden differently.
Any ways, in the past week ive noticed 1 or 2 gnant looking things. I did some research and it likely i have fungus gnants. which arent an issue exept in larval stage when they eat my babies roots. Im not 100 prcent sure thats the problem but it would make sense, and the only problemm is me seeing them. theres no ill effects on the plants i see them go out of. Have any of you passively delt with this problem. seems like you'd have to find a way to kill the larvee. And, worst case scenerio, if the bastards are what i think they are thne what worst case scenerio am i looking at. is there a way to kill them with co2? any thought


Well-Known Member
if they're slow and stupid-like they'd be fungus gnats, if they seem quick and pretty fucking intelligent they may be a winged root aphid which isn't good.


Well-Known Member
Just purchase mosquito dunks at your local hardware store. They are organic. Dissolve a dunk in 5 gal water and use that to feed the girls. It works. I just dealt with them. You can also use diatamacious earth as a top dress. Its ground seashells and will cut them up from the inside out.. that goes for most pests. Down side is that its a lung irritant and very powdery. May cause lung cancer (which is understandable for a micro glass like substance cutting up your lung tissue)


Well-Known Member
look at the soil with a scope, I recommend the 3 in 1 spyscope because you can screw off a lens and it converts from microscope to telescope, you can check out your soil for bugs from 6 feet away, you can also view trichs at a distance.
if they're slow and stupid-like they'd be fungus gnats, if they seem quick and pretty fucking intelligent they may be a winged root aphid which isn't good.
def slow and stupid. only seen them 3-4 times and only ever 1 or 2 of them exen seen the sucked into my cans prefilter.
Just purchase mosquito dunks at your local hardware store. They are organic. Dissolve a dunk in 5 gal water and use that to feed the girls. It works. I just dealt with them. You can also use diatamacious earth as a top dress. Its ground seashells and will cut them up from the inside out.. that goes for most pests. Down side is that its a lung irritant and very powdery. May cause lung cancer (which is understandable for a micro glass like substance cutting up your lung tissue)
I just may have to try this. i appreciate your time


Well-Known Member
The BT will take a few days there's several products to use to kill the larvae a bit quicker.


Well-Known Member
one being nematodes. BT is a bacteria that makes them ill, I think the first affect it has on them is it stops them from feeding. nematodes actually enter the little bastards and eat them from the inside out, good stuff.


Well-Known Member
bt(mosquito dunks) is a bacteria that makes the larvae ill and kills them. but like I said the first thing it does is make the little bastards stop feeding on your roots.


Well-Known Member
ah man, I feel really bad for you.

I had fungus gnats once, thanks to Miracle Grow Organic Soil (never buy their crap!... I did because it was CHEAP $).

I was never able to fully get rid of them, they kept coming back in waves. At best I was able to keep their numbers low in the end and prevent them from getting stuck to the flowers...Yes, they stick to the flowers and then die there :(

Here is what you can do to fight them:

Neem Oil - This stuff supposedly works wonders, I can't speak to it because I never tried it.
Mosquito Dunks in water - Some people swear by this stuff, I used it a lot and it had no effect on the gnats. I even sprayed the larvae and covered them in it... they lived :/
Hydrogen Peroxide cut with water - Some people swear by this stuff, some say the larvae die instantly on contact and its visible. I sprayed directly to both larvae and flies with a diluted solution and PURE Hydrogen Peroxide and neither had any effect.
Sticky Fly Traps - This was the most effective method for me. I used 6 fly traps per "attack" with like 4 attacks total on the gnats. Each trip caught 100s of gnats (during the blooms/waves).
Sand - Some people advise putting a layer of sand on the top soil. This will prevent the flys from reaching the surface after they finish the pupa stage. The only disadvantage here is that water is not going to penetrate the soil evenly.

Good luck


Active Member
I had the same problem with salvia in miracle grow. I used Dawn dish soap mixed with water, spray it on the plants n soil. It's gentle on the plants. Mix it so the spray just becomes a milky white color, a fine suds if that makes sense.

Dish soap will kill any exoskeleton cuz they breath through their skin. N ant can live underwater for up to 7 days.

Hope whatever u do clears ya up!

Post some pics, to hell with the haters, good luck!


Well-Known Member
Sand - Some people advise putting a layer of sand on the top soil. This will prevent the flys from reaching the surface after they finish the pupa stage. The only disadvantage here is that water is not going to penetrate the soil evenly.
that is the answer. the sand kills them as they try to climb up thru it. that is exactally what i used to do and it works. i still have those fucking bags at this very moment. but fuck em, they dont hurt shit. not anything a rookie grower (like myself) would notice anyway


Im having a terrible gnat problem, and am going to try sand on top! I always use dishsoap and water spray on them too.