The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
whats the wattage of the lights your using and what size space we taking about. I only use a 6" extractor and i run 3 600w (soon to be 4) but they are air cooled with its own fan lol. Wont need scilencer with acoustic fan although theres nothing stopping you adding one i suppose to drop the noise level down even more but with a bog standard ruck/rvk then def need a scilencer with a 12 if noise is going to be an issue.


Well-Known Member
Fan size doesnt go by how many plants your running, your grow size area and wattage your gonna be using is what matters. I could fit a 60 plants in my tent if i do a sog. Doesnt mean im going to need a 12" extractor.


Well-Known Member
whats a ccoustik fan compared to a norla extractor?? whats that u sent jim?
andwhat are the name of those plant stand this i see u using ,one of the plats has a lean and its alike a slope going up onesize so i need one @) i THINK ive found the PE its ahead of the EXO and a 8 weeke finished it should be ahead to,,


Well-Known Member
whats the wattage of the lights your using and what size space we taking about. I only use a 6" extractor and i run 3 600w (soon to be 4) but they are air cooled with its own fan lol. Wont need scilencer with acoustic fan although theres nothing stopping you adding one i suppose to drop the noise level down even more but with a bog standard ruck/rvk then def need a scilencer with a 12 if noise is going to be an issue.
Fan size doesnt go by how many plants your running, your grow size area and wattage your gonna be using is what matters. I could fit a 60 plants in my tent if i do a sog. Doesnt mean im going to need a 12" extractor.

​its got a floor space of 41.83sq.m(450sq.ft)...40plants in nft trays..hhmm 7/8 600w


Well-Known Member
whats a ccoustik fan compared to a norla extractor?? whats that u sent jim?
andwhat are the name of those plant stand this i see u using ,one of the plats has a lean and its alike a slope going up onesize so i need one @) i THINK ive found the PE its ahead of the EXO and a 8 weeke finished it should be ahead to,,
Its all about noise level, acoustic deadens the sound alot compared to your bog standard rvk/rucks. No i sent you an rvk i think. Acoustic fans aint cheap but if noise is an issue then they are worth evey penny. Thos are just grow rings mate, any garden center will have them. Ive been meaning to stick my head in your thread but as usual ive forgotton lol, ill drop by man and take a look at ya gals.


Well-Known Member
well evenin all, not been about for a bit ,went a wee bit nuts last week and rattled a shed load of coke and booze, reckon that set me back well over 5 ton so this week im back on the pills and ive just completed my 3rd piece of uni work, all in all written about 4000 words since monday i guess, sick lookin at text books now and havin to use my brain( although deciphering ic3s bloody posts are somewhat akin to a close reading and critique on know if you stare long enough and maybe read it backwards , possibly standing on your head and squinting, you'll eventually get the point). both grows doing fine, the loft one had low temp issues but i stuck a little blower fan to come on for 15 mins every 4 hours or so, just a trial and error job until i get it sussed, 7 plants under a 600 about 3 weeks into flower in coco with canna nutes, all around 3' to 5' tall and bud sites showing, mix of blue widow and a dodgy exo, lovely healthy lookin plants with nota sign of any problems. the other grow is lookin ok, 8 plants , one grew balls and got launched, virtually all 12/12 from seed in coco under a 400 hps maybe 2 weeks into flower and all around 18" to 22". not bad considering 4 were blue widow clones and the other 5 were regs, a mix of stuff the fairy dropped off, exo x dreamtime, qq, a cpl of livers crosses. seen my lawyer today and he said its highly unlikely the council will get an eviction for my cultivation bust...and i also got the letter telling me the date of my driving licence return, mid december. all in all a productive week.


Well-Known Member
see now im feeidng more regular im getting the yellow leaves again,, everytime i increase fed to 48 hrly from every 72hrly they satart getting yellow leaves,, gunna get this durcitngsetup and just pulling thru the light and blwoing thru the filter should do the trik.

issit a rvk? my rvk is like a oval chape the one i got of your is long and narrow like a sausage

just ordered one of these look 3.40 free delivery



Well-Known Member
see now im feeidng more regular im getting the yellow leaves again,, everytime i increase fed to 48 hrly from every 72hrly they satart getting yellow leaves,, gunna get this durcitngsetup and just pulling thru the light and blwoing thru the filter should do the trik.

issit a rvk? my rvk is like a oval chape the one i got of your is long and narrow like a sausage

just ordered one of these look 3.40 free delivery

Whats the dosage your feeding mate, might wanna up the strength abit, Yeah you have a tt fan, its not acoustic but its only a 5" jobbie and doesnt have much pull but works great for small ops. Tho rings will do ya, i like them as its a simple way to stop them spreading outwards too much if topped multiple times and supports the colas to an extent, but if they get real heavy then yo yos are good for holding thos buds up. Could stake them or use netting its whatever floats ya boat.


Well-Known Member
Whats the dosage your feeding mate, might wanna up the strength abit, Yeah you have a tt fan, its not acoustic but its only a 5" jobbie and doesnt have much pull but works great for small ops. Tho rings will do ya, i like them as its a simple way to stop them spreading outwards too much if topped multiple times and supports the colas to an extent, but if they get real heavy then yo yos are good for holding thos buds up. Could stake them or use netting its whatever floats ya boat.[/QUOthe one plant is leaning like a fucker almost like its not buried deep enough but i know they are! lol one side is like a slope literally a flat slant,

ive never had to tie up or anything so this is new to me

im feeding 40 ml A&B per 10 litres max dose it says on the bottle,, wen intoday and had loads of yellow leaves just drop off, well not loads but since i went upto every 48 hrs i get much more than every 72 hrs they let a litre and a bit every 2 days not dirty nutes or anything as i do fresh every 2.5 feeds so never more than 2 days,, i gotta look for a wall mounted fan for the other end of my op maybe


Well-Known Member
Whats the dosage your feeding mate, might wanna up the strength abit, Yeah you have a tt fan, its not acoustic but its only a 5" jobbie and doesnt have much pull but works great for small ops. Tho rings will do ya, i like them as its a simple way to stop them spreading outwards too much if topped multiple times and supports the colas to an extent, but if they get real heavy then yo yos are good for holding thos buds up. Could stake them or use netting its whatever floats ya boat.[/QUOthe one plant is leaning like a fucker almost like its not buried deep enough but i know they are! lol one side is like a slope literally a flat slant,

ive never had to tie up or anything so this is new to me

im feeding 40 ml A&B per 10 litres max dose it says on the bottle,, wen intoday and had loads of yellow leaves just drop off, well not loads but since i went upto every 48 hrs i get much more than every 72 hrs they let a litre and a bit every 2 days not dirty nutes or anything as i do fresh every 2.5 feeds so never more than 2 days,, i gotta look for a wall mounted fan for the other end of my op maybe
try every second feed with nutes,i use 3 QUARTERS as full strenth????

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
those TD silent vortex fans aren't as silent as they're cracked up to be fyi. i've got an 8 inch ( heh heh) one and it's as loud as the 10 inch rvk i had no problem. and they're pricey, I'd look at the airflow you'd get off two smaller rvk's and mount them on the back wall away from the exit vent.


Well-Known Member
To Yorkie:

Hey lad, I was talking with my mate who owns the GA in town. By all accounts Barneys is def not entering the Cup this year. Seemingly last year they had police hanging around outside their shops all throughout the Cup. I think this along with the fact that they are ballsy and claim they would win it anyway so whats the point in entering, they don't need to market their product anymore. And that's it, Barneys the legend has declared.


Well-Known Member
those TD silent vortex fans aren't as silent as they're cracked up to be fyi. i've got an 8 inch ( heh heh) one and it's as loud as the 10 inch rvk i had no problem. and they're pricey, I'd look at the airflow you'd get off two smaller rvk's and mount them on the back wall away from the exit vent.
Is it the 8" sp td silent fan u got m8? I got one hooked up to an 8" mountain air filter with acoustic ducting and I thot it was pretty quiet, not silent but quiet. My rooms about 10'x6' and its def doin the business, u can feel it sucking the door open when I've nearly got it closed. Expensive fans but def a good job IMO