First harvest with pics.... criticism welcome please!!


Well-Known Member
so this is my first harvest ever this is only one plant the others will be harvested in 2 weeks i would appreciate constructive criticism since this was my first attempt at a harvest i used a box with IMG_6809.jpgIMG_6810.jpgIMG_6811.jpgIMG_6812.jpgholes for the main colas and the one hanging up are from the bottom of the plant(next time i will be triming the bottom of the plant before flower) they are kinda a bitch to do small buds and all so please let me know what you think guide me in the right direction if i am doing things way wrong like i said this is my first harvest hopefully i didnt fuck up to bad:?


Well-Known Member
Looks good bro! Could go a bit tighter on the trim after they hang for a few days. What strain is that? Looks yummy!


Scientia Cannabis
If possible you should cut some holes in the sides of the drying box as well. I saw you had done it in the ends but the sides would help with airflow, which is key.
If the box can take it without crumbling I'd cut some holes there.

Other than that it looks very good, are you ready for curing?


Well-Known Member
thanks guys the strain is hogs breath a Indica hybrid I just cut it down last night so this is the first day drying and I will take your advice koijn and open up the other sides of the box it should stand up okay, I'll post so close up pics when I get home from work do you guys think I should make some bho with the small buds from the lowest branches or would this be a waste of time


Active Member
BHO....for sure! Stem and all! Make sure ya got quality B though. Congrats on ur Harvest!


Well-Known Member
lookin good! plan for next time and get a moving box, or any larger box, and make a fan hole or 2.

small computer fans work well because they move just enough air without over drying them.

one intake one exhause

set up a timer for it and the frequency of on to off time depends on the RH of your area. up north its alot drier so if it is then you want them a little less frequent if more humid more frequent.

just make sure you can smoke it before you jar it or its not dry enough.

other than that it looks amazing and you really cant mess too much up at this point haha.

keep it goin!