Whats going on here?


Active Member
I'm going on my third week of veg with 3 acupulco gold and 2 critical kush, at this point, which I just transplanted. (I also have 1 of each sprouting like 2 days old along with some kandy kush.) Anyway one of my ag is acting funny and has been for about a week or so and I've slowly been introducing them to very small amounts of nutes(botanicare) occasionally when I water; by weird i mean stem has started to turn purple a bit and bottom leaves were begining to yellow so I thought maybe this one plant wasnt taking to the nutes like the others, so i flushed what little bit had been put in it. Now the yellowing has moved up to the nexty set of leaves so I'm wondering if it is time to actually bump up my dose bc maybe "she" is ready. I'll post some pics of her and her sisters for comparison any input is much appreciated.IMG_0112.jpgIMG_0113.jpgIMG_0116.jpgIMG_0117.jpg
PS the first 2 pics are the odd ball the other two are her sisters for comparison!


Active Member
Those are the saddest looking seedling I have ever seen.. *shaking head* I don't understand the problem people have with seedlings and getting things started.. This should be the most simple easy point of any grow and yet there is alot of people having problems.. I just don't get it... Hopefully you get things turned around soon brutha, best of luck...



Active Member
IMO, you shouldn't be feeding it anything but water. Unless you have some terrible soil or ph problems, it cant be starving for nitrogen. Sometimes you end up with a funky plant here and there, and it usually straightens itself out down the road.


Active Member
Don't give it any nutrients till the cotyledons yellow and fall off, then hit them with very light nutrients, like 1/4-1/2 the recommended dose depending on what youre using. Your soil itself might have too many nutrients if they came out looking that way. You should be able to fix it if you rush your soil well and wait for some new growth then fert lightly


Active Member
Any soil that feeds for a couple weeks, or longer, the best way to water a seedling is from bottom up. Good aeration as well. I like to use Netty pots (soil grow) and water the top first to get good moisture through then just add water to the water tray (not too high up) and I pretty much just moistened the top and replenished the tray. Worked great, and once roots start poking out of the sides (I think that they are 5 inch netty pots, but could be totally off) about 40%, I then just put them into the larger pot. They loved it and grew like crazy... Now this is just one of many ways to do this, but it worked great for me and this was in Miracle Grow Moisture Control 6 months... I feel if I did not do it this way they would have been burnt to a crisp.


Active Member
are there drains in those cups the roots may be rotten
yes there were holes in their first cups and also in the buckets they are in now. the roots for the most part looked good I think this paticular one didnt quite have the roots the others had so i wasn't sure if maybe this had something to do with it.


Active Member
Don't give it any nutrients till the cotyledons yellow and fall off, then hit them with very light nutrients, like 1/4-1/2 the recommended dose depending on what youre using. Your soil itself might have too many nutrients if they came out looking that way. You should be able to fix it if you rush your soil well and wait for some new growth then fert lightly
It's hard to see in the pics I know but they are starting to yellow (even on the healthy ones) so I had planned on next water to give them some light love. I think botanicare calls for 15ml in the first week so I figure about 3-4ml.


Active Member
Those are the saddest looking seedling I have ever seen.. *shaking head* I don't understand the problem people have with seedlings and getting things started.. This should be the most simple easy point of any grow and yet there is alot of people having problems.. I just don't get it... Hopefully you get things turned around soon brutha, best of luck...

Did I miss your advice? I'm lookin for some ideas here so if you got some please feel free to spill them

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
do not feed again or water until the soil nearly dries out then add water the container needs to be light , the idea of letting the soil dry is to get the roots oxygen and let them grow looking for the water instead of sitting in it killing them , if they do start to take off only give them nutes , at 1/4 of the suggested strength every third watering by then you will see what the plant needs , i don't feed until the plant shows its time to ...good luck


Active Member
Pics 3 and 4 don't look to terrible. IMO over water'd... don't feed nutes until 3 weeks in. Let them do their thing and they'll bounce back..

I usually wait to water until they're bone dry to get my roots to search and all that good shit but it might be worthy to mention in their first week of sprouting I had them under cfl's and not enough of them so they stretched pretty good bc I was worried my mh would be to much(newbie fear) so imo they were to busy stretchin instead of actually growing. To correct the stretch you can see I planted them down a bit in transplant.


Active Member
Strange.. Looking back over the pics they're way under developed for 3 weeks.. Hmmm maybe just funky genetics? Did you order the seeds, if so from where?



Active Member
sea of seeds: barneys farm, I still think it had to do with poor lighting. They are really liking their new bigger pots, as in they are growing more rapidly, though so hopefully they will catch up soon. Also to be sure I'm correctly giving their age they broke soil three weeks ago today and the lighting has stayed 18/6 bc I don't like the idea of 24 hour lighting for sprouts imo it doesnt make sense to give them that much light and no dark. Also in the second week I was having trouble regulating temp so I had a nice little oven until I got home and realized shit was going wrong which ultimately cut my crop in half. Maybe this was what stunted their growth although the survivors were pretty much still growing at the same rate until the I put them in the new pots.


Active Member
From my understanding unless your growing auto's it's not wise to run 24 hr lighting. With auto's I would assume it's an acceptable practice because of the shorter veg time. I've read that the plant uses the dark time for root growth and other things that it benefits from in the long run. I go 18 / 6.. Keep us posted..
