

Active Member
I'm trying to watch this movie right now and besides the fact that half the shit they say fly right over my head it seems fairly interesting. Anyone else here seen it, and do you guys think it's depiction of life is accurate? Shows how genetics are bullshit, how religions are connected and how war is just a way of making money and depleating the population. Kinda depressing but it's very informative. Scary how many people have their eyes closed. Not disagreeing that i'm one of them but i'm working on it. Give it a watch if your interested at all and let me know what you think. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z9WVZddH9w
yea a while back my buddy had me watch it. I thought there was a bit of bull shit, but it does kind of open your mind to some shit & it lets you see things in a different view. Pretty trippy video to watch baked.
This isn't satire?
I'm trying to watch this movie right now and besides the fact that half the shit they say fly right over my head it seems fairly interesting. Anyone else here seen it, and do you guys think it's depiction of life is accurate? Shows how genetics are bullshit, how religions are connected and how war is just a way of making money and depleating the population. Kinda depressing but it's very informative. Scary how many people have their eyes closed. Not disagreeing that i'm one of them but i'm working on it. Give it a watch if your interested at all and let me know what you think. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z9WVZddH9w

never seen it myself so not sure about that. i would say war continues to exist for only one reason and it's the fact that those who have the power to start it know they will not risk their lives from it (and benefit like you mentioned). remember there are people in this world worth more then entire nations. we all know war is wrong. having armed soldiers killing and blowing each other up is probably the worst way to solve any situation because both sides inevitably lose something they shouldn't have to.

the way they have us support these wars is through fear (which in certain cases can even be manipulated). when a population is scared enough, they will do anything their superiors ensure them is safe. just look at 9/11 and how quickly that sparked fear amongst people. they made us so scared shitless that we said "sure let's do whaever tthe fuck it take so we never have to see buidings get hit by "terrorists who hijack passenger airplanes" again. such an attack hasn't occurred again to this day and probably never will.

if such an attack can be perpetrated in such a heavily guarded airspace and these so called "terrorists" truly were passionate against america then why haven't they done something similar again even on a smaller scale (not attacking the financial centre of the US, just attack a national symbol by blowing up a McDonalds for example? that last point is another discussion in itself but i hope you can see that perhaps such a story can be manipulated and perhaps it was even necessary to. let's not forget that right before WW2 we were in a major recession and the war is one of the main things that helped certain aspects of the economy. this war is different because it is spending more money then it is generating. we solved our problems then by creating jobs wheras the war today doesn't create enough jobs considering all the expensive materials used. by now you see where i'm going with this.

btw i wasn't trying to start a conspiracy with what i said above. im not saying the government did it or anything like that but i have a lot of sympathy for muslims. i don't think muslims deserve all the negativity they are receiving such as the harassment when flying in airplanes. they show us the crazy ones on tv (to scare us... fear).

sine you are looking to open your eyes remember that fear will shut them right back again. do research on your own and don't listen to shit like CNN because when fear needs to be spread, that is the best way to do it.
I don't agree with the whole 9/11 conspiracy as far as they put it.

But the opening is legit they talk about how religion is a sham.
Just watched moving forward : zeitgeist. This shit makes my brain go a million miles an hour.

Anyone who doesn't know all of them are on netflix