Whats the himidipak to bud ratio in a 32oz Mason jar? How many paks to grams are needed?
You don't seem to realize that these factors are not independent. If the plant dries whole well enough to cure, but the bud doesn't cure due to the RH in the room - as you claim above - then such action would be physically impossible. Can't happen. There's oblivious something amiss in this equation.
Please understand there's only one way to air-cure and it's relative to the moisture content in the flowers. You can get there any way you like. Want to dry the plant whole? Fine. Don't want to? OK. It's not like it really matters.
Because, there's no such thing as a bigger container?
Follow the directions. It's pretty self-explanatory. I'd suggest reading the thread on IC, if more involved instruction is required. Lots of folks willing to help. No offense, I just don't have the time or the inclination to deal with this.
I unfortunately left my cut stems in a paper bag and because I had some unexpected things to do, left it in a closed cooler in a warm room for a week. When I opened the cooler I noticed a white mould on the stems. Is there anything I can do to salvage these stems and buds or can I dry and still smoke them? Or, can i ghop them up to try make a kief?
Because I have a controlled drying room and I dont CURE in my drying room. I cure in my house. The drying room needs to be used for the next plants in 1-2 weeks and can not be used to cure. But when you run such small ops you dont have this problem.Honestly, I wasn't looking for help on drying as I figured it out myself with out the help of you; obviously. I just wanted to see what your science answer would be... You say once they feel to dry you can just jar them and the moisture redistributes so how does that differ than putting a dry but in a humid room to get it wetter. Is the moisture in the stem the "special cure moisture" I think so... Its all the same moisture-water!! And your statement about curing with bending stems is completely WRONG. Dont you think there is a reason EVERY cannabis book you read says dry the buds until the stem snaps and THEN cure. But I guess all those writers and growers were wrong and the almighty one and only SimonD can clear it up for us after all these years of drying/curing cannabis improperly.
That pretty much sucks the perfection right out man.I have seen this method before and its worked for everyone whos tried it.
But ive figured out a way to speed the cure process up in a way...
Not really speed it up but start it earlier.
So here it is. I start by giving my plants there last watering of SSU then cut the lights for 3 days prior to the harvest.
I have a 6" carbon filter and inline fan with 400+ cfm that runs constantly while in veg/flower as well as those 3 days of dark.
After the 3 days i chop everything, trim everything but keep most buds on there branch so i can hang them in my tent.
at this point i put my carbon filter and all my fans on a timer to go on for 1 hour every 5 hours so 4 times a day for 1 hour.
This basically dries them at a rate like curing where it allows moisture to be released from the stem/middle to the dry outside of the bud over the 5 hours off.
After 3 days of this all the buds are dry enough to come down and are cured in a large tuparware/bucket for you guessed it... 3 days.
and after this three days the bud is perfect to break down perfect smell smooth smoke with no harshness except from potency.
Let me know if anyone has tried this before!
That pretty much sucks the perfection right out man.
I mean like it's not a perfectly calculated out method of drying/curing. Your just timing things by the day as opposed to monitoring the exact humidity level etc. So your method probably works but it can't really be deemed 'perfect', feel me?haha do you mean it takes the difficulty out of drying and curing? or sucks something out the bud?
either way glad for a response! hahaha
first time growing and i dont know when to harvest besides the tri need to know the best way to cut down and cure my weed so i dont end up with some garbage please help