sativa trans-love (john sinclair) a "cash cropping haze"

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
this is a strain to keep an eye on if you're looking for a strain that gets you high without being stretchy or flowering forever at 70-75 days flowering. i was AMAZED at how productive the freebie i tested was. it's a naturally compact plant that virtually stops stretching and starts flowering immediately when you flip it leaving other similar "generic fruity hazes" in the dust. no, it's not the highest quality haze out there and isn't trippy either, but it's a funner buzz than C99 in a tiny space.

i was planning on SCROGging mine and topped it twice. i also bred it with a cindy apollo male. once i flipped it, it started 8-10 buds in a plant not even a foot tall when i flipped it less than a month after soaking it. it made a virtual flat top on it's own. a few branches were a little low, maybe 1 inch, but it just budded like it thought it was a lowryder! after about 30-40 days, i had to cut mine down when everything in my garden got hot spot burned the night i forgot to turn my fan on for about 5 hours. by memory, i'd estimate that each bud was nearly the equivalent 2 grams in a tiny little plant where other plants were just starting on popcorn. that's not even factoring all of the energy it was putting into making seeds either.

the buzz would be familiar to anyone whose smoked a few generic hazes, hacks or thais... fruity with an upbeat and motivational euphoric high. it's quite fun to smoke, but not exceptional when many strains have that buzz, but none in that small or fast a flowering package. it was giving my masterkush autos a run for their money actually and those had a week or two head start on flowering at that as they started budding under my 24h shoplight. the flavor and buzz matched much slower and stretchier strains except sweet haze maybe as that one is not only extra fruity, but has some real trippiness going on too, but that one likes to stretch for it's THC profile.

STL (i like to call it seattle for short) is going to be used in my breeding tinkering for quite some time. a seattle haze would be so much better than all of the NL5, skunk, critical & G13 etc. crosses as it's already way hazier than those and probably more compact too. i want to put some holy smokes malawi up in that next to see what happens, but i plan on also using it for my "instant head stash" strain that i can grow under a shop light and pick at as i did with my masterkush autos waiting for the good stuff to finish.

i was simply amazed at how fast the strain budded for it's size. it would be an awesome sea of green strain whose size you could easily gauge as it doesn't stretch much at all. i'll keep testing other strains for better buzzes, but STL = cash cropping haze to me. i was also impressed at how level the flat top was without training. if i gave it more time in vedge and flowering without seeding it, it could have only been better.

until i find an even purer haze to cross it with, it should be ABOVE AVERAGE when crossed with sweet haze if "normal sized" from short meeting stretchy.

bottom line...
nice happy motivational and clear headed generic haze high with no couchlock, a mild fruity flavor, low odor & buds like crazy. i just recommended it for someone looking for a PC sativa, but thought i should post an open thread just for the strain so anyone curious about it can read up.

come on everyone, i KNOW a bunch of you got those freebies too! let's hear it. share your experiences too. it looks like JS put a lot of selective breeding into that to keep the quality nice and the size down. at least one other member i expect to weigh in as he did in the can grow thread will confirm this is a strain you want for a sea of green or scrog haze and if you get impatient and want to harvest early, you can get bag appeal almost as fast as a lowryder kush, but in a package you can clone! the other grower said it takes nicely to cloning.

PS i was so impressed with it's stature, productivity and even high within those boundaries that buying a $50 or so 5 pack of fems was a no brainer. it will be the very first bean i soak this winter
are the seeds fresh? i heard someone claim that had germ problems. i was interested as well.
i only popped my freebie which was 100%. i think they should be very fresh as i thought JS just entered the market with the promotion. it'll be some time before i pop one of the 5 pack i bought.

people would be smoking much better gear now if that strain was around in 1990

i'm hoping breeders start using it like they do critical + these days.
i tell ya, you'd get a lot nicer buzz out of jack's cleaner 2, jack the ripper, probably the third dimension, jack f7 & killing fields, many of which are 9 weeks or less, but "seattle" as i like to call it, does bud like a mofo. if you buy a pack, please do share your experiences. i'll try to make a point of reporting on it better when i get back up and running as well as see what it does under superior halide light. it probably won't yield as much, but the buzz and flavor might improve. there's a reason DJ shorts & dr atomic like growing sativas under full spectrum.

STL takes 10-11 weeks... a little "slow", but it gets fat quick, even making seeds.
thanks for the appreciate it. may have to order some.

It is easy to see you are new here. Dont listen to anything this guy has to say. He cut down his screwed up plant 5 weeks into flower and smoked the leaves and "bud trim" and is now telling people how good it is. The few times he actually smoked a real bud he got pissed off because it actually made him high and he didnt know what it was.
That is f'n hilarious. Is it true?

That is f'n hilarious. Is it true?

Laugh, no, I suspect that might be the case from reading his posts. He spends so much time smoking leaves and thinking he is getting high that when he really does he freaks out.
Fuck you hazey. Another delusional report of a half finished plant..You got hot spots at night because you forgot to switch you're fan on for 5 hours = harvest haha classic. And you claim to be testing this gear haha

Probably smoked you're pre flower popcorn wet aswell you idiot.

Why even talk about the buzz??
30 days harvest if you even had trichs there won't be fuck all goodness in them.
Smoking a bowl right now. Cured in jars about a month.Fruity,and spicy.Uplifting high. Nice! No couch lock.I grew it out back in a bucket with not so good soil or care so i cant give a good grow report on it,but it did give me a decent amount of large sweet smelling buds with lack of attention.I did let the glands get a little past milky white before plucking.Would like a 5 pack to grow it again but indoors and raise it up right.
It did get the shit pollinated out of it from a World of seeds Afghan Kush male i stuck outside for the hell of it.
Still a good smoke with the shit load of seeds that it spit out.
Im curious as to what kind of plants they will produce if i popped a few.
Guess i will have to see for myself now wont i now.
i don't recall spicy notes from my STL, just fruity. that, and a weird silicone fishing lure note in the odor profile at the start of flowering that went away. i really want to hit that shorty up with something like malawi gold, something extra trippy and stretchy that needs to be shortened.

i liked the STL buzz, but the 3 stretchier strains i like best have better flavor or THC profiles. that speed of budding though amazed me. only my masterkush autos were quicker on the draw.

Fuck you hazey. Another delusional report of a half finished plant..You got hot spots at night because you forgot to switch you're fan on for 5 hours = harvest haha classic.
what kind of insecure self hating instigator are you that you'd DELIGHT in the misfortune of others at the hands of losers like yourself? i had NO PROBLEMS when i just left the fan on 24/7 until my uppity fucking neighbors started sticking their nose up in my biz. that was beyond my control. i DID fucking EARLY harvest BUD, seeded bud. trash like you though will say ANYTHING whether it's true or not just to start trouble.
trollfag & butt buddy bluntmassa calling me "a liar" for stating the WIDELY KNOWN TRUTH that skunk #1 is only 25% afghani by sneakily using just sensi seeds' fucked up revisionist, possibly typo claim it's only 35% sativa despite dutch passion, flying dutchman & OTHER sources CONFIRMING REAL skunk #1 is 50% columbian gold, 25% mexican (sometimes named as acapulco gold) and 25% afghani.

they keep fucking trolling and lying, and i keep spanking them with facts. i've only been proven wrong ONCE so far for thinking IBL meant inbred land race because that's how i learned it from an incorrect source. that's the ONLY time a troll has proven me wrong and after i looked it up, i admitted i was wrong.

i harvested enough fucking sativa trans love to get these! mind you, i don't care SHIT about taking pics and only do it as STFU medicine for trollbates. time to mute another so as not to waste any more time arguing with their lying insecure ass.


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if i didn't bud that shit, where the fuck you think those seeds came from?

as always, i use my trusty signature "columbian gold" backdrop to signify that shit is MINE and not stolen pics as THE bitch troll that stalked me here from another forum with circle jerking butt buddies claimed but to this day has NEVER proven when i keep all of the high res pics on my PC as backup for the next time a lying piece of shit tries to say what the fuck ever. what amazes me is that whenever a lying fucking moron talks shit, another one gets down on all fours and sucks their cock no matter how farfetched or evidence free their erroneous claim is. i normally would never use that word, but i want to go over moron heads a second.

next grow, i'll take MORE pics, even if i think pics are bullshit when ONLY the smoke report matters and maybe get a new camera that will do closeups like my old one refuses to and get nice glistening bud shots. i'll need to come up with some signature identifier like maybe a plaque that says "haze grapes was here" for the closeups to prevent lies about those too.

it's funny how stupid troll groupies are. they ONLY listen to negativity. on one hand, they'll believe a claim that i lie, which i don't, but then, they'll also believe a TRUTH i freely ADMIT, (nothing to hide up here bitches except my secret identity jackoffs) like i had to harvest early because of the hot spot burns. if i really WAS a liar, i'd never say anything except i'm the greatest blah blah blah in the world. actually... LOL where's a witness when you need one?

the only reason trolls talk shit, is because they are enemies of the truth. they don't want you to know that their cash crapping bag appeal myth is bullshit. they refuse to admit that cash crappers ONLY grow indica dominants and don't like it whenever anyone rallies against that, and ignore any FACTS you bring to the table about the shitty status quo and hyperfocus on the individual breaking it down for real so to obfuscate the argument away from the underlying truth. the truth is, only 20% of smokers prefer getting a LITTLE stoned, 44% are in the middle, and a whopping 39% would rather get high to DEMAND it. these facts are a threat to trolls.

here, check what the people are saying...

in their own timid way, they too are saying fuck you to cash crappers, just not as directly as i do. stoners have and agenda... they want to fight me ALMOST as much as i want to stomp their greedy fucking necks because what i say is threatening to them. too fucking bad! unlike them, the truth is ALWAYS on my fucking side with a 1-2% chance of being mistaken because of erroneous info i've been given. oh yeah, i think it pisses them off that i read so many books too. i've been attacked for that too... "what does hazey know? he gets everything from books! whah whah whah!"

i know what the fuck a terpene is and how to see it fully expressed with fucking halides instead of cash crapping sodiums! i learned sodiums suck FROM A BOOK. thank you jorge cervantes! your book was decades ahead of it's time predicting SCROGging when cash crappers were still jerking off to sea of green and afghanis. well, the afghani crap hasn't changed much.


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! after about 30-40 days, i had to cut mine down when everything in my garden got hot spot burned the night i forgot to turn my fan on for about 5 hours.

If you get impatient and want to harvest early, you can get bag appeal almost as fast as a lowryder kush,

You said it in the op...

And I left the bit at the end about bag appeal because it made me laugh
First you said you forgot to turn the fan on (dunno what's wrong with a timer).. Then you do the usual the neighbors were busting my balls speech that you have been using forever. You're so damn delusional it's ridiculous
yeah, whatever. my "poor excuses for plants" have gotten me higher than ANY piece of shit cash crapper (like you too maybe?) in 25 fucking years bitch! YOU quit fucking lying. jack's cleaner 2, malawi gold, haze skunk, sweet haze, 8 miles high, C99, super cali haze, my own SCH x C99, lemon skunk, sativa trans-love, auto jack, thai fantasy, thai skunk, CH9 jack, and even vile tasting diesel abomination onyx ALL smoke better than ANY shit i've wasted money on since the fucking 80s, so if my shit is lame, yours too must suck shit out of a dead skunk's ass like ever other piece of greedy shit's schwag that ain't worth pissing on. i'll keep smoking my "lame shit" and telling every greedy fuck to drop fucking dead.

how is it that dozens of useless fuck growers can only piss me off with their shit, but pretty much EVERYTHING i grow make me happy? oh, the truth really is a threat to you you lying piece of shit.

THIS is the kind of shit you don't see on the streets and anyone that grows gear that gets people high KNOWS IT! like every other lying sack of shit, you aren't going to show any pics of the gear you aren't fucking growing that gets people high are you you afghani fucking twit? every time i say put up or shut up, every fucking troll does. by that omission, you reveal you have an agenda based in lies. if you DID post gear that's better, i'd try it myself as i'm still looking for the best. i'm glad i'm so much of a threat to greedy fucks i get them all worked up into a frenzy like like that tweakerthor troll that stalked me from another forum.


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if i didn't bud that shit, where the fuck you think those seeds came from?

as always, i use my trusty signature "columbian gold" backdrop to signify that shit is MINE and not stolen pics as THE bitch troll that stalked me here from another forum with circle jerking butt buddies claimed but to this day has NEVER proven when i keep all of the high res pics on my PC as backup for the next time a lying piece of shit tries to say what the fuck ever. what amazes me is that whenever a lying fucking moron talks shit, another one gets down on all fours and sucks their cock no matter how farfetched or evidence free their erroneous claim is. i normally would never use that word, but i want to go over moron heads a second.

next grow, i'll take MORE pics, even if i think pics are bullshit when ONLY the smoke report matters and maybe get a new camera that will do closeups like my old one refuses to and get nice glistening bud shots. i'll need to come up with some signature identifier like maybe a plaque that says "haze grapes was here" for the closeups to prevent lies about those too.

it's funny how stupid troll groupies are. they ONLY listen to negativity. on one hand, they'll believe a claim that i lie, which i don't, but then, they'll also believe a TRUTH i freely ADMIT, (nothing to hide up here bitches except my secret identity jackoffs) like i had to harvest early because of the hot spot burns. if i really WAS a liar, i'd never say anything except i'm the greatest blah blah blah in the world. actually... LOL where's a witness when you need one?

the only reason trolls talk shit, is because they are enemies of the truth. they don't want you to know that their cash crapping bag appeal myth is bullshit. they refuse to admit that cash crappers ONLY grow indica dominants and don't like it whenever anyone rallies against that, and ignore any FACTS you bring to the table about the shitty status quo and hyperfocus on the individual breaking it down for real so to obfuscate the argument away from the underlying truth. the truth is, only 20% of smokers prefer getting a LITTLE stoned, 44% are in the middle, and a whopping 39% would rather get high to DEMAND it. these facts are a threat to trolls.

here, check what the people are saying...

in their own timid way, they too are saying fuck you to cash crappers, just not as directly as i do. stoners have and agenda... they want to fight me ALMOST as much as i want to stomp their greedy fucking necks because what i say is threatening to them. too fucking bad! unlike them, the truth is ALWAYS on my fucking side with a 1-2% chance of being mistaken because of erroneous info i've been given. oh yeah, i think it pisses them off that i read so many books too. i've been attacked for that too... "what does hazey know? he gets everything from books! whah whah whah!"

i know what the fuck a terpene is and how to see it fully expressed with fucking halides instead of cash crapping sodiums! i learned sodiums suck FROM A BOOK. thank you jorge cervantes! your book was decades ahead of it's time predicting SCROGging when cash crappers were still jerking off to sea of green and afghanis. well, the afghani crap hasn't changed much.

You are just a delusional dumbass. No one has anything against sativa you dumbass. Its your idiocy we all have a problem with.
You dont want to face the truth that you are an idiot so you make it out like it is some war against sativa.
I am willing to bet every person on the site has smoked 1000x as much sativa in the past few years than you have in your entire life.
Now why do you think you are some kind of authority on sativa when you cant even FINISH A GROW and you have NO CONNECTIONS. So where does all this sativa you smoke come from? Oh yeah in your deranged mind.