First plant, having weird problems.


I just got my first plant and it's about 3 or 4 weeks old. I'm growing it under 2 CFL's one is 100watt and the other is 65 watt. I water the plant every other day and feed it every other day. Anyways here's the issue, the bottom leaves are turning yellow and curling up one even has a weird burn mark look to it. But the top leaves are doing fine. My soil is fine I promise you. Also my PH level is at 7. I'm lost. Please help. Also don't judge, this is my first grow and I just need help.


Well-Known Member
isn't soil PH supposed to be around 6.7? Also if you are feeding every time you water it is probably nute burn... try to just water for a few days and do a water feed water feed thing(feed every other watering) IMHO it sounds like the begining of a nute burn


Well-Known Member
Pictures help.
But, I will take a shot.
Watering every 2 days. I would consider over watering and a bit excessive. You need to do the lift and weight system for watering.
Over watering can give you erroneous problems. Looking like and not related to nute def.. :roll:

Good luck


Thank you for the feedback! And I really just don't wanna mess this up haha. Also the caregiver I got them from also was doing a natural grow so I thought it might have been from stress. But so I should water it maybe every 2 days then the next 2 days feed it?


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the feedback! And I really just don't wanna mess this up haha. Also the caregiver I got them from also was doing a natural grow so I thought it might have been from stress. But so I should water it maybe every 2 days then the next 2 days feed it?
I water every 3-4 days. Depending on weight.
Nute only once a week.
Depends on what kind of nutes you have selected to use.


Well-Known Member
I just got my first plant and it's about 3 or 4 weeks old. I'm growing it under 2 CFL's one is 100watt and the other is 65 watt. I water the plant every other day and feed it every other day. Anyways here's the issue, the bottom leaves are turning yellow and curling up one even has a weird burn mark look to it. But the top leaves are doing fine. My soil is fine I promise you. Also my PH level is at 7. I'm lost. Please help. Also don't judge, this is my first grow and I just need help.
First, pics ALWAYS help.
What are you feeding, and how much? Are you in soil or hydro?
I think you are way too young for food and water every other day, and 7.0 PH is too high, either way.
Bottom yellow and curling could be combination of the water and/ or food.View attachment 2392722View attachment 2392723


Active Member
wow, stupiddly horrible.. just kidding.. but really, what soil are you using? is there any perlite in there? what about drainage? They need air!! Sorry, but that soil looks like some I have seen at some building construction sites.

edit: never mind, you said your soil is alright. my bad


Lignite, coca fiber, perlite, pumice, compost, peat moss, bone meal, bat guano, kelp meal, Green sand, soy bean meal, leonardite, k-mag, glacial rock dust, alfalfa meal, oyster shell flour, earth worm castings and Mycorrhizae. Haha.


Could drainage really be a problem even when I don't water them all the time? I mean it gets dry enough I checked. The guy I got it from gave me the same pots he grows his stuff in and he doesn't have any problems.


Well-Known Member
That does look overwatered to me. That's a big pot for a little plant. You want that soil to dry out Until the pot feels light so that the roots have to search a little to find moisture, then water thoroughly (until it drips out your drain holes).. Also, I would HIGHLY recommend adding another inch or so of soil ("top dressing", it's called) so that you cover up those roots.


Alright I just took it out of the soil, took the roots put em in good ph leveled water for 30 secs, mixed the soil again till it was loose, put the plant in again, and covered it loosely with soil and sprayed the soil with a light mist spray bottle. Hopefully all my problems will be solved. But I'm getting more soil tomorrow. But the reason why I have so less of soil is because I have 3 plants at the moment, so I had to spread it out.