The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
The Jimmy Savile waxwork I got cheap from Madame Tussaud's is doing a great job at my front gate keeping the trick or treaters away.

Also see that NYC is dressing up as New Orleans this year.


Well-Known Member
Mantz ur a sick fuck but I still lololol rolla when ya celbrating a win over middleboro give up m8 won't be long ur be playing them in the league again lol

Ment to ask last week what was that shit in cardiff with the hit n run maniac??? Wasn't a shit scores of ur boys weed was it? I no ya not use to the good shit but still lmao


Well-Known Member
Mantz ur a sick fuck but I still lololol rolla when ya celbrating a win over middleboro give up m8 won't be long ur be playing them in the league again lol

Ment to ask last week what was that shit in cardiff with the hit n run maniac??? Wasn't a shit scores of ur boys weed was it? I no ya not use to the good shit but still lmao
Sambo that maniac was me looking for you , you cunt lmaoo funny you say that I haven't smoked shit weed back home In a while its just that I'm over the other side of the bridge where sticky weed is a common factor in this type of society (Surrey) where the rich think their richer =)


Well-Known Member
Mornin droolers.....

That's me done work for the day..spliff time I thinks got some jacks off a mate not too bad at all nice taste an strongish...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
alreet Dura, what's the crack?

i picked up some rather shite commercial cabbage yesterday. damp nee smell and tumbled. 140 the O tho by time it's dried i imagine it'll be 3/4 if im lucky. i got it home n fed my girls and thought fuck that n snipped a few straggler branches.


Well-Known Member
theres sum real shit out there the now, every fucker and there dog has gota grow on the go but 90% of the clowns havent bothered learning how tae grow, harvest or dry the stuff. its hittin the streets weak and damp....but theres always sum mug (ahem) thats willing tae part wae hard cash for it.....christ man you should know better!! saying that i bought an oz last year for 120 when i was drunk and woke up the next morning to realise it had been a male plant, soakin wet and with a cpl of hundred seeds, needless tae say i was straight back to the cunts door, he actually offered to drop it to £ like' its a fuckin MALE ya daft cunt ', seriously sum cunts just dont know what the fuck there doin.


Well-Known Member
I done the same don had a few botten bits of me exo, chopped it day 45 just waiting for it too fucking dry.

I hate wet-damp weed but same here got a tens last week was exo or pyscho good weed but fucking damp and tenner a gram lmao

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
one of those things, better than the last bit of brick stuff i saw with pips in. thankfully i've got rid but i didn't put owt on cos i felt so bad for the lads. it had that softness to it that, well, is so damp it'll be mouldy by the morning... had to put it on the back of the lamp for a while. deals looks like half weights by the time it was reet.

i'd love to know what strain this chink stuff with a funny smell is. or maybe they do something to remove the smell i dunno either way it's proper dink.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
not worth it man. its out the door now and cost me nowt so no harm no foul to me at least lol. it's just a tide over till the xmas crop comes off. which seems like a million miles away but it's only a couple of weeks. couldn't come sooner. my vegging plants are getting cramped.


Well-Known Member
my mate had a 1/4 of stuff a few weeks back and when he opened it there was all black stuff at the centre. he took it back and the bloke told him to put it in a paper bag dry it out and snort it lmfao. he didnt get his cash back, im a pussy but i would have gone fucking nuts


Well-Known Member
not worth it man. its out the door now and cost me nowt so no harm no foul to me at least lol. it's just a tide over till the xmas crop comes off. which seems like a million miles away but it's only a couple of weeks. couldn't come sooner. my vegging plants are getting cramped.
your right mate not worth it,prob better than nothing aye mate,the qqxsmelly cherry has poked up for some light:hump:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
my mate had a 1/4 of stuff a few weeks back and when he opened it there was all black stuff at the centre. he took it back and the bloke told him to put it in a paper bag dry it out and snort it lmfao. he didnt get his cash back, im a pussy but i would have gone fucking nuts
likewise, that's shady as fook
your right mate not worth it,prob better than nothing aye mate,the qqxsmelly cherry has poked up for some light:hump:
just means you have to use double the amount to get high, the chink cabbage high is 20 minutes at best off a normal strength jakey.

good news on the sprout fella. still needs a proper name that one


Well-Known Member
[h=5]Jeremykyles 12 days ov Xmas
12cans of carling
11dna tests
10dads to choose from
9teeth between them
8squeezed in tracksuits
7stinking smackheads
6dunlop trainers
5stolen rings
4fat slags
3ugly tests
2timing cunts
And a wanker who parades them on tv

morning bitches!!

up my end they just spray anything,, but they spray with the smell of what im growing lol knobs the weed dont do shit i have a joint and it does nothing,, fucking pissing me off,cant wait till the crops done,, fucking mugs

i agree don,.thers so many new growers out ther but they dont know wat the fuk ther doin,prolly floowing a tutorial on KEV's site so its not gunna be very clever


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
anyone can grow weed ( even you it seems :p ) but growing great weed is a fucking artform. this is where sambo chimes up with 'clone onlies will rock the socks off majority even if grown badly' which is only half true really as that's still not amazing weed it's good done bad.