Dearest Libertarian Friends


New Member
Dearest Libertarian Friends,

It has come to my attention that once again many of you have choose the path of not voting once again. For some of you this is nothing new. There are quite a few of us who feel that we cannot change the system or that voting is an acknowledgement of their system and doing so is not only in vain but empowering to them, I respect that opinion and as a revolutionary this is something I also believe in. For others they believe in voting for the lesser of the two evils somehow that the republicans mean what they say or even if they aren't that gullible they feel as if its simply that the lesser of two evils and that our choice will always be one between a giant douche and a turd sandwich regardless, I also acknowledge and understand these two positions. Further, some even feel that they will vote for democrat just for a few social liberties since the republicans are full of shit anyway, please stand for what you know is right and do not compromise, we all know the authoritarians are on the same team.

Likewise many including myself are further disheartened by the actions taken by the establishment against Dr Ron Paul and Mr Gary Johnson. They have done all in their power to suppress them, even if this comes at no surprise to you, even if you acknowledge and fully understand the above positions we must pull together, regardless if we cannot change the system from within, that we will just be suppressed and ignored, that the corruption runs to deep, that we are to far in over our heads, we should not stay home on election day even if you believe that it serves no purpose, the fact is that there are ballots full of Libertarians this election as well as NO check boxes. So please go out and vote NO, check off every libertarian box, and write in things such as 'fuck you' and 'Gary Johnson' at the very least, it only takes 20 minutes of your time, not only to delay the inevitable but to give it all we have got against the police state, big government, and tyranny. At least we can say we did something this year.



Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Gary Johnson and Ron Paul are fake Libertarians. States rights is state autoritarianism. No one should gain or lose liberties based on residency unless they deal equally to the region. Stricter fire based regulations in fire danger good; gays are icky,bad.


New Member
Gary Johnson and Ron Paul are fake Libertarians. States rights is state autoritarianism. No one should gain or lose liberties based on residency unless they deal equally to the region. Stricter fire based regulations in fire danger good; gays are icky,bad.
Your right except they are real libertaians, just not real anarchist and I certainly disagree with them on a number of things including their methods, although not really a better anarchist option is there? They are the most viable choices for reducing gov power, I do advocate for writing in 'Fuck You'...Mainly I just think its important that we go and check NO on everything and check the BOXES for people that will do the same.


Active Member
Gary Johnson and Ron Paul are fake Libertarians. States rights is state autoritarianism. No one should gain or lose liberties based on residency unless they deal equally to the region. Stricter fire based regulations in fire danger good; gays are icky,bad.
It would be difficult to find someone that agrees 100% on all issues with me. So... I choose tri vote L. They are the closest to my stand on most issues. The main thing about Gary Johnson is that he has not sold out. But, I applaud your ethical stand. :hug:


Well-Known Member
I'm more small l than big L but I'm still voting for GJ. I think it will take more name recognition than Gary Johnson to be more than an after thought. Rand Paul is my prediction for the next libertarian darling.


Well-Known Member
I know this doesn't make sense to some of you now, but it will in the future:

The only chance Libertarians have of obtaining office one day is to vote for Romney today. If Obama gets reelected, then our country will have shifted so far to the left by 2016, that Libertarians will have become a silent minority.

Also, Libertarians need to build their way up to president. You can't just go strait to the top. Think about it. You've got to build your way up in the senate and house first. Let it be known who you are. That strategy proved to be effective for the rising Tea Party of 2010.


Well-Known Member
Your right except they are real libertaians, just not real anarchist and I certainly disagree with them on a number of things including their methods, although not really a better anarchist option is there? They are the most viable choices for reducing gov power, I do advocate for writing in 'Fuck You'...Mainly I just think its important that we go and check NO on everything and check the BOXES for people that will do the same.
If I voted no on everything, I would have been voting against marijuana.


New Member
I know this doesn't make sense to some of you now, but it will in the future:

The only chance Libertarians have of obtaining office one day is to vote for Romney today. If Obama gets reelected, then our country will have shifted so far to the left by 2016, that Libertarians will have become a silent minority.

Also, Libertarians need to build their way up to president. You can't just go strait to the top. Think about it. You've got to build your way up in the senate and house first. Let it be known who you are. That strategy proved to be effective for the rising Tea Party of 2010.
it will never make sense.....Romney is just as "left" as Obama