My indoor grow in a cardboard box.

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Active Member
M planning to order some seeds soon to start in a grow cabinet I am building right now. Are mandala safari mix any good?


Well-Known Member
I prefer Gorilla Tape. It lasts forever. Comes black, works great. Good luck tearing it - use scissors or box knife. My 5-gallon DWC units are completely covered with it including (especially) the lids.
I got some shit a few years back, when I used to sell car parts, and on the label, it actually said it was good for radiation as well as taping purposes.:?:


Well-Known Member
??????????? Anyone? Please.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but 2 weeks of age is WAAAAYYYY too young to show it's pee pee parts.
Also, it looks like those pics you last posted, you splash water when you water her (or him), not a good habit to get into.


Active Member
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but 2 weeks of age is WAAAAYYYY too young to show it's pee pee parts.
Also, it looks like those pics you last posted, you splash water when you water her (or him), not a good habit to get into.
I use a mist spray to water everyday. And water the soil every 2 days. Is that a bad practice?


Well-Known Member
If they're a couple weeks old, IMO, you don't NEED to do that, it's a personal choice.
My plants didn't get misted except a couple times with epsom water solution when they were well into flowering.
If they are seedlings, I have heard of keeping a dome, or 2 liter soda bottle bottom over them to keep it humid, but I never did that either.
I think this may be one of the things that is more procedure due to it working or not working for you in the past.
The reason I mentioned the drops of water on the leaves, is I would hate for you to be doing that, and not notice, then come back later and say you have these funny spots on your leaves, but as long as you know what you are doing, and keep it in mind for later, and it is not detrimental to your plants, I see no reason to stop.
Misting or splashing can cause spots from nute burn, or from the water droplet magnifying light and burning the leafs if light is strong enough.
You may be one of the experimental guys that finds something new that works well (not saying this would be it, but you see what I mean.).


Well-Known Member
the things your asking about are the nodes growing. at the base of each fan leaf stem on the main branch a node or branch will grow.

couple suggestions.

more light...way more light
and some decent quality potting soil and you will see night and day differences.

mst your plants if you want its not going to hurt anything but use just plain water untill you get a little knowledge under your belt and can mess arouns with some foliar feeding. your soil looks petty cruddy man ( no offense) hit up the hardware store or walmart and grab up a bag of miracle grow organic choice or some fox farm ocean forest or any other indoor potting soil.


not sure if any1 mentioned anything, but use a darker cup so no light penetrates to root. stay away from the clear ones


Well-Known Member
not sure if any1 mentioned anything, but use a darker cup so no light penetrates to root. stay away from the clear ones
IDK if it was this thread, but if not, TY.
I know I mentioned that a couple times within the past 2-3 days, but I'm pretty tired now, and.......... well,,,, you know. :)
Between Mr. Single Barrel, and Miss Mary,...........
Actually I think it was one thread this morning, I mentioned the clear cup, that appeared to be a Pyrex bowl LOL.


Active Member
I am designing my grow cabinet in which I will start my new seeds that I would order from mandala. I would post some drawings of my grow cabinet design soon. Meanwhile. What do you thing about mandala safari mix? And would CFLs be ok or should I use a hps??


Well-Known Member
If you take your pots that you plan to be final size and put them about where you think they will be, giving enough room between them to inspect your plants, when they get bushy, then figure your space beyond that for your sides, I think that'll give you a better idea of what you want, instead of planning a size, then trying to limit your plants to fit.
I'm planning a closet grow, and I have a 2x2 space, 4 1/2' height, and I plan on only one plant.


Well-Known Member
How ya been Matt? Haven't seen you lately.........
i been good, dont get on here much lately with work and all only get a few min daily if that to troll these boards.

not sure if any1 mentioned anything, but use a darker cup so no light penetrates to root. stay away from the clear ones
dont want to be a naysayer and i do agree that plant roots dislike light but i have grown many of plants in clear 3 liter bottles and they grew just fine, roots were visible from the outside of the bottle and they were nice and white and healthy looking as any other root. so what im trying to say is that clear plastic isnt really as bad as its hyped up to be. if you disagree grow a plant in a clear plastic container with an adequate enviorment and then tell me different, is a clear plastic container the best choice...well of course not... will it impact the plant to a point of no return...hell no, if its all you have around and dont have the means to get anything else and the plant is rootbound in the non transparent pot it is in it is definatly a better choice to put it into a bigger transparent pot then let it continue to be rootbound.
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