Dearest Libertarian Friends


Active Member
Wow. That's you? Ha Ha. I should have seen it. It's hard to tell between the shot with your shades and cap to this one.
So... Between Romney and Obama? You could do better than that...
Now Gary Johnson.... :wink::wink:


Well-Known Member
Because government regulation is slightly better than the government locking people up. A very small step toward freedom, and a step back with more government regulation.
19 was just a way to lock up more people
It did not legalize
It did create new felonies


Active Member
Because government regulation is slightly better than the government locking people up. A very small step toward freedom, and a step back with more government regulation.
Though your premise is valid, to me that's like saying, "I choose to support the guy that's going to kick me in the gut and throw me in jail as opposed to the guy that's going to kick me in the head and throw me in jail". Doesn't make sense to me, but perhaps you could rephrase it for me. I choose Liberty. I will not vote for corruption again. But your point is noted.


Well-Known Member
I live in California. If you know whats its like, then you understand there are not a lot of options on the table. If the government can't take something over, then they find a way to tax it. Its reality. Nobody I ever vote for gets elected around here, so what the hell can I do about it?


New Member
I live in California. If you know whats its like, then you understand there are not a lot of options on the table. If the government can't take something over, then they find a way to tax it. Its reality. Nobody I ever vote for gets elected around here, so what the hell can I do about it?
Apparently bend over and lock yourself into the fetal position?


Well-Known Member
I live in California. If you know whats its like, then you understand there are not a lot of options on the table. If the government can't take something over, then they find a way to tax it. Its reality. Nobody I ever vote for gets elected around here, so what the hell can I do about it?


Well-Known Member
I live in California. If you know whats its like, then you understand there are not a lot of options on the table. If the government can't take something over, then they find a way to tax it. Its reality. Nobody I ever vote for gets elected around here, so what the hell can I do about it?
And yet you can get your medical card
and grow a number of plants and the DEA aint gonna fuck with you

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Tell that to Oakland who's suing the government to stop all medical marijuana proerty seizures. It's not funny the government sues the government using tax dollars from everyone to pay all! In the end, the government wins, no matter the outcome.


Active Member
Dearest Libertarian Friends,

It has come to my attention that once again many of you have choose the path of not voting once again. For some of you this is nothing new. There are quite a few of us who feel that we cannot change the system or that voting is an acknowledgement of their system and doing so is not only in vain but empowering to them, I respect that opinion and as a revolutionary this is something I also believe in. For others they believe in voting for the lesser of the two evils somehow that the republicans mean what they say or even if they aren't that gullible they feel as if its simply that the lesser of two evils and that our choice will always be one between a giant douche and a turd sandwich regardless, I also acknowledge and understand these two positions. Further, some even feel that they will vote for democrat just for a few social liberties since the republicans are full of shit anyway, please stand for what you know is right and do not compromise, we all know the authoritarians are on the same team.

Likewise many including myself are further disheartened by the actions taken by the establishment against Dr Ron Paul and Mr Gary Johnson. They have done all in their power to suppress them, even if this comes at no surprise to you, even if you acknowledge and fully understand the above positions we must pull together, regardless if we cannot change the system from within, that we will just be suppressed and ignored, that the corruption runs to deep, that we are to far in over our heads, we should not stay home on election day even if you believe that it serves no purpose, the fact is that there are ballots full of Libertarians this election as well as NO check boxes. So please go out and vote NO, check off every libertarian box, and write in things such as 'fuck you' and 'Gary Johnson' at the very least, it only takes 20 minutes of your time, not only to delay the inevitable but to give it all we have got against the police state, big government, and tyranny. At least we can say we did something this year.


No need to write in Governor Gary Johnson's name on the ballot. He will be on the ballot in all 50 states. Don't right in "fuck you"... vote for Gary! We know he won't win... but a vote for Gary is a fabulous, meaningful way to say fuck you to the mainstream parties that refuse to listen to us!!!


New Member
No need to right in Governor Gary Johnson's name on the ballot. He will be on the ballot in all 50 states. Don't right in "fuck you"... vote for Gary! We know he won't win... but a vote for Gary is a fabulous, meaningful way to say fuck you to the mainstream parties that refuse to listen to us!!!
no he is not, he has been removed from many ballots including my state of michigan, the republicans fought hard against him. Any state with sore loser laws has to write him in.


Active Member




The medical vote passed by about 4,300 votes in AZ, and that was something like 1% majority. How many people do you educate about revolutionary ideas every day? If a law can be swayed by that few votes then stop thinking that you can't make a difference. Start talking to people about it, and they might think twice about checking a box on a prop that DIRECTLY affects you and your cause. I can now drive without fear of getting a DUI with THC in my system even if I haven't smoked in two weeks. I don't drive stoned, because thats worthy of a DUI and I also agree with that argument. I've probably talked to over 100 people about the benefits of cannabis this year, and I bet they would vote down any laws that would try and knock out prop 203. I've read some polls that full legalization nationwide support is at about 56%, but its big Pharm's fake votes and smear campaigns that can upset the small majority. It seems to me the majority of the country would support a Lib position, but many are afraid to step away from their parties. Many children are raised to be Rep or Dem, and would rather just stay in the same party as the rest of the family dare they risk ridicule. I say fuck it. What's better for Me, my wife, my kids, my neighbor... Pissing off my family, or letting my country go to shit and loading a crooks debt on the shoulders of my grandchildren. Revolution is written into our constitution.


Well-Known Member
If we can get money out of politics we will see drastic changes. It isn't just big pharma but alcohol companies who also helped fund anti-marijuana legalization campaigns in California when they voted on the issue. If we could just have a serious discussion about reforming election laws me will see drastic changes.


Active Member
The medical vote passed by about 4,300 votes in AZ, and that was something like 1% majority. How many people do you educate about revolutionary ideas every day? If a law can be swayed by that few votes then stop thinking that you can't make a difference. Start talking to people about it, and they might think twice about checking a box on a prop that DIRECTLY affects you and your cause. I can now drive without fear of getting a DUI with THC in my system even if I haven't smoked in two weeks. I don't drive stoned, because thats worthy of a DUI and I also agree with that argument. I've probably talked to over 100 people about the benefits of cannabis this year, and I bet they would vote down any laws that would try and knock out prop 203. I've read some polls that full legalization nationwide support is at about 56%, but its big Pharm's fake votes and smear campaigns that can upset the small majority. It seems to me the majority of the country would support a Lib position, but many are afraid to step away from their parties. Many children are raised to be Rep or Dem, and would rather just stay in the same party as the rest of the family dare they risk ridicule. I say fuck it. What's better for Me, my wife, my kids, my neighbor... Pissing off my family, or letting my country go to shit and loading a crooks debt on the shoulders of my grandchildren. Revolution is written into our constitution.
This is a spot on analysis. +1 Rep


Well-Known Member
Well I cast my vote for Gary Johnson today. I am not a capital "L" libertarian but a small "L" libertarian is not really to far from how I would describe myself either but it is close. I am pretty much a centrist and a moderate. I just feel that voting for Romney or Obama is not serving my interests. I am very much a leftist but I will say that I feel more comfortable with Gary Johnson then either one of the major party candidates. I also want to see more third party candidates and get more ideas out there for Americans to see. It is sad that we only have two possible winners since people running as a third party candidate are handicapped so much.