First grow setup wat u think


Well-Known Member
Im new to this so help me out dont need massive amounts kinda doing it for shits and geegs got 200 wat cfl and two 23 watt cfl trying to make it work for two plants just made this so let me kno what u think it has cpu fan but idk if i need it id b happy if got a quarter off this ive spent 15 bucks so far and i wanna try to make a few short plants not big monsters ive been keeping light 3 inches away at all times after two weeks of veg im flowering it now just to see if box works dont really care about plant its just mid grade


Active Member
Ive had worse setups. LOL if i were you Id top her and wait another couple weeks then flower her. You'll definitly get around an ounce or so. Believe me theres no point going through the whole process not really careing about the outcome when you could spend an extra couple weeks on it and get 5x more of a payoff. Id also get some reflective stuff to put on the sides, not expensive and really makes a big difference. A little mini fan wouldnt hurt either, cardboard boxes can reallllllly get hot.


Active Member
looks good, there's loads of help in the posts at top of forum, look in there and reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad


Well-Known Member
I got two cpu fans on top and i guess i could care a little more get sum tin fiol a stuff kinda noob on toping tho scared to touch it i guess ill go for it and how do u know when its grew the most it can


Well-Known Member
more light if you want any sort of yield also it stretch i would skip the topping and just do some lst you could get a longer veg out of


Well-Known Member
I think it will need more room up if you don't train it. More light is good too. Your going to want to keep it as short as possible.
Training also allows more intense light to hit more leaves. Definately don't wait to long to start flowering. They say it will grow 3 times the height during budding.


Well-Known Member
Its been in flowering for a while it has 3 lights i hope its enough only one plant i also have plant on stand

Is it a girl or can u tell


Well-Known Member
Its been in flowering for a while it has 3 lights i hope its enough only one plant i also have plant on stand

Is it a girl or can u tell
how long has it been in flowering? you say a while but if so you should be seeing bud. thats not even showing sex yet. also dont expect to much with the light you got. if your lucky i say youll maybe get a quarter. do you have light light leeks or are your lights not set to 12/12 must be something wrong if it really has been in flower a while


Well-Known Member
A week and a half i think but i just got this setup i had ruff beggings i started with just two 13 watt cfls now i got 2 23 wattz and a 250 equalevent cfl and i got tin foil now and nutes its growing much faster than it was before my next plant will b much better i got dual spectrum off ebay coming its custom made 325 wattz but i get a quarter off this its basically all free


Well-Known Member
Update: added another cpu fan hooked this fan to 2 9 volt batterys notice plants wasnt gettin alot of a flow now has input fan on bottom and exuast fan on top surprising using two dryer sheets and a black ice air fresher takes out all the weed smell for right now but its my house it smells like danke all the time anyway


Active Member
soil needs more aeration (perlite) and a better pot with more drainage holes. do some reading on how to sex plants aswell. lots of info all over the site. have a good read of the sticky posts


Active Member
I would also add y splitters for the lights and have the sides face the plant more. Using CFL's you will get more light and better pennitration if the sides are facing it.
trust me, she will love you more for it. :)

edit: also look at grorite's av.. that is even better than my set up was.