Does Jesus and God favor Obama?


Well-Known Member
Given the "Commander in Chief" viability during the Super Storm Sandy and the aftermath could Obama ask for more in the final week of campaigning?

Also with the breaking news that the CIA reports that support was on site within 25 minutes in Benghazi we see that Romney and the pube Ryan really suck shit through a straw on showing us they are worth our vote.

So is this a Divine intervention? Is it a sign that Republicans are not favoured by Jesus and God?

I leave the reckoning and reasoning to you.


Well-Known Member
Obama is a Muslim, therefore God and Jesus don't be liking Barry.

He has Allah and Muhammad's support tho.


Active Member
Obama is a Muslim, therefore God and Jesus don't be liking Barry.

He has Allah and Muhammad's support tho.

Funny you say obama is muslim and yet he is hated by the muslim extremist. Don't you think the muslims would praise his name if he was one of them? People like you are the reason why it has been impossible tohave a serious conversation. But I guess if you say it enough times it becomes true. Spreading your hatred. I bet you had it against obama from the beginning.



Active Member
Funny you say obama is muslim and yet he is hated by the muslim extremist. Don't you think the muslims would praise his name if he was one of them? People like you are the reason why it has been impossible tohave a serious conversation. But I guess if you say it enough times it becomes true. Spreading your hatred. I bet you had it against obama from the beginning.

No. They have been killing each other for thousands of years. Why would that change anything? I'm not saying he is... Just pointing out the flawed premise.


Well-Known Member
Funny you say obama is muslim and yet he is hated by the muslim extremist. Don't you think the muslims would praise his name if he was one of them? People like you are the reason why it has been impossible tohave a serious conversation. But I guess if you say it enough times it becomes true. Spreading your hatred. I bet you had it against obama from the beginning.

No one hates for the vast majority. Only the far fringe on both sides are into Hate. You hate. We don't. "people like you...?" Haters like you won't listen.

Even your Pres and Vice P are interrupters and squealers of hate. And they claim insults while they lie.

Read what I said about Moderate Jihad. The extremist hates the moderates. Is that hard for you to grasp?

This Obama is not just a Muslim, he was raised in a Sharia school. He says so.


Well-Known Member
Given the "Commander in Chief" viability during the Super Storm Sandy and the aftermath could Obama ask for more in the final week of campaigning?

Also with the breaking news that the CIA reports that support was on site within 25 minutes in Benghazi we see that Romney and the pube Ryan really suck shit through a straw on showing us they are worth our vote.

So is this a Divine intervention? Is it a sign that Republicans are not favoured by Jesus and God?

I leave the reckoning and reasoning to you.
What support?


Well-Known Member
Funny you say obama is muslim and yet he is hated by the muslim extremist. Don't you think the muslims would praise his name if he was one of them? People like you are the reason why it has been impossible tohave a serious conversation. But I guess if you say it enough times it becomes true. Spreading your hatred. I bet you had it against obama from the beginning.

Depends, is he Shiite or Sunni?


Well-Known Member
The FACT is there are millions of radical Muslims that want to destroy America,
and kill us all around the world wherever we may be.
NOT thousands. Millions


Well-Known Member
The FACT is there are millions of radical Muslims that want to destroy America,
and kill us all around the world wherever we may be.
NOT thousands. Millions
And if radical Muslims droned the shit out of your villages ie. Hellfire breakfasts for all the men, women and children then you'd hate them too.

In Afghanistan YOU are the insurgents, retard.


Well-Known Member
If China were to come to America and try to force us to believe and live like they do, is be hatin me some chinese.

I'd be shootin at their soldiers heads, starting their poltitical offices on fire, bombing anything they built on American soil.

And in China, i would be a monster, but here I would be a hero.


Well-Known Member
I don't even need to ask god if you are a douche, it's obvious.

Sorry to get your niqàb twisted:).Im from Texas what did you expect,im still reeling from the fact he was voted into office without my consent.Our founding fathers are spinning in their graves over the fact THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA HAS A PRESIDENT NAMED BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA,not even born on N.American soil!!!!!Bullshittttt!!!!!!!!!!Grow up and quit with the name calling THAT SHITS OBVIOUS(u i.q.)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:fire: