"It's OK to make a change."


Well-Known Member
SO much fail...
The Iranian armed forces consist of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army, Islamic Republic of Iran Navy,[SUP][21][/SUP] Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force, and the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Defense Force. The regular armed forces have an estimated 545,000 personnel: the Islamic Republic of Iran Army, 465,000 personnel; the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy, 28,000 personnel, and the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force, 52,000 airmen.[SUP][7][/SUP] Islamic Republic of Iran Air Defense Force is a branch split off from the IRIAF.[SUP][22]

In 1987, Joshua Sinai of the Library of Congress wrote that the Syrian Arab Army was the dominant military service, and as such controlled the senior-most posts in the armed forces, and had the most manpower, approximately 80 percent of the combined services. In 1987, Sinai wrote that the major development in force organisation was the establishment of an additional divisional framework based on the special forces and the organisation of ground formations into two corps.[SUP][24][/SUP] In 2010, the International Institute for Strategic Studies estimated army regulars at 220,000, with an additional 280,000 reserves. That figure was unchanged in the 2011 edition of the Military Balance.[SUP][20]

According to wiki it appears the Iranian armed forces are about twice the size of the Syrian forces.



Active Member
Go check out how many millionaires are in the senate and house of representatives and realize that the politicians are the rich... LOL!!!
Indeed. Those who have the gold make the rules, as the old saying goes. The sad part are the people who blindly follow party actions, as if they are doing these things for the public good. Behind almost every new law, there is a rich person making money off of it at our expense.
God I'm sick of the corruption.


Well-Known Member
The Iranian armed forces consist of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army, Islamic Republic of Iran Navy,[SUP][21][/SUP]Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force, and the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Defense Force. The regular armed forces have an estimated 545,000 personnel: the Islamic Republic of Iran Army, 465,000 personnel; the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy, 28,000 personnel, and the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force, 52,000 airmen.[SUP][7][/SUP]Islamic Republic of Iran Air Defense Force is a branch split off from the IRIAF.[SUP][22]

In 1987, Joshua Sinai of the Library of Congress wrote that the Syrian Arab Army was the dominant military service, and as such controlled the senior-most posts in the armed forces, and had the most manpower, approximately 80 percent of the combined services. In 1987, Sinai wrote that the major development in force organisation was the establishment of an additional divisional framework based on the special forces and the organisation of ground formations into two corps.[SUP][24][/SUP] In 2010, the International Institute for Strategic Studies estimated army regulars at 220,000, with an additional 280,000 reserves. That figure was unchanged in the 2011 edition of the Military Balance.[SUP][20]

According to wiki it appears the Iranian armed forces are about twice the size of the Syrian forces.

And you think Iran will stretch 100% of their forces across two potentially hostile countries just to reach the Med?

And you don't think Israel would wtfbbqpwn such a stretched out Iranian military AND be able to attack Iran directly as its now un defended due to all of its troops fighting in Iraq and Syria?

Some genius strategist you are.


So would Iran have an especially hard time attacking Benghazi, Syria?


Well-Known Member
Joe Biden cant even remember what state he is in...

We cannot all be perfect like you Harrekin.


Well-Known Member
The Iranian armed forces consist of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army, Islamic Republic of Iran Navy,[SUP][21][/SUP]Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force, and the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Defense Force. The regular armed forces have an estimated 545,000 personnel: the Islamic Republic of Iran Army, 465,000 personnel; the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy, 28,000 personnel, and the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force, 52,000 airmen.[SUP][7][/SUP]Islamic Republic of Iran Air Defense Force is a branch split off from the IRIAF.[SUP][22]

In 1987, Joshua Sinai of the Library of Congress wrote that the Syrian Arab Army was the dominant military service, and as such controlled the senior-most posts in the armed forces, and had the most manpower, approximately 80 percent of the combined services. In 1987, Sinai wrote that the major development in force organisation was the establishment of an additional divisional framework based on the special forces and the organisation of ground formations into two corps.[SUP][24][/SUP] In 2010, the International Institute for Strategic Studies estimated army regulars at 220,000, with an additional 280,000 reserves. That figure was unchanged in the 2011 edition of the Military Balance.[SUP][20]

According to wiki it appears the Iranian armed forces are about twice the size of the Syrian forces.



Well-Known Member
Joe Biden cant even remember what state he is in...

We cannot all be perfect like you Harrekin.
*Full power to the deflectors*

Just admit it, Romney hasn't a fucking clue.

Just get off his cock and we'll teach you something, there's maps and everything on the interwebz, you could even try forming your own opinion rather than trying to defend a retarded one.


Scientia Cannabis
Chesus btw, your new avatar is scarring me.
Is it photoshopped even a tiny bit?
Looks like a part vampire part psychopath.