What happens if Colorado and Washington legalize cannabis?


Well-Known Member
64 has so much support here its ridiculous, not that that necessarily means anything, but the "might" seems to be pretty big. The butthurt religious are running anti 64 ads every second so they must be worried about something too

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
64 has so much support here its ridiculous, not that that necessarily means anything, but the "might" seems to be pretty big. The butthurt religious are running anti 64 ads every second so they must be worried about something too
Have they started the, "Think of the children!" blitzkrieg yet?


Active Member
They did that with Prop. H8TE as well. It's very effective.
The answer that they don't understand: "This legislation is to REGULATE MARIJUANA LIKE ALCOHOL"... which means unlike the current way things are done, children won't have access to it nearly as easily. Illegal drug dealers do not check IDs.


Well-Known Member
If you think the feds came at the med growers strong, imagine how they'll react to recreational growers.


Active Member
If you think the feds came at the med growers strong, imagine how they'll react to recreational growers.
I believe once the people have spoken loudly enough the feds will be forced to yield to the will of the people... as in the reversal of alcohol prohibition


Well-Known Member
I believe once the people have spoken loudly enough the feds will be forced to yield to the will of the people... as in the reversal of alcohol prohibition
Alcohol prohibition wasn't tied to international agreements.

Legalizing marijuana will start a war. Do you really think all those cops, prison guards, judges, lawyers, etc are just gonna let pot smokers take away their livelihoods? Fuck no, they will fight us for it.


Active Member
I do hope that a state does legalize marijuana this term, so we can get the ball rolling; it only takes one brave sole to stand before the rest and lead.

It will be interesting to see what happens as a result in regards to other states allowing mmj, as well as other states putting legalization on the ballot for 2014. It's nice to see that my state, a historically conservative state, continue its progress in terms of medical marijuana.


It has passed.... Now what? The bill is so vague as to what is too happen with medical dispensaries. How the process to set up state run stores and more. Anyone have any input on what will happen next?
I feel like we're all stunned in disbelief. This could be a huge turning point. Fuck prohibition. I mean it's already such big news, with CO and WA both passing it, but "this could be the start of somethin' big..." God damn, I'm celebrating.


Scientia Cannabis
I feel like we're all stunned in disbelief. This could be a huge turning point. Fuck prohibition. I mean it's already such big news, with CO and WA both passing it, but "this could be the start of somethin' big..." God damn, I'm celebrating.
That's because most people are.

I can hardly believe it.


Well-Known Member
Definitely did pass. Weird because we got rid of the state run liquor stores just a year or two ago, so what are they going to do, re-open them for weed only? lol I already have a handful of dispensaries I can walk to, and can choose from quite a selection. My understanding was this doesn't change existing medical laws, I don't think anyone knows what happens now since it was a referendum passed by the people directly instead of going through our shitty politicians. Got enough signatures to get it on the ballot and people voted for it.


Active Member
Except I am scared to drive now.... 5 nanograms is nothing at all. I will never fall below that at any point....