
Well-Known Member
that's the part i always felt bad about. why do i get special privileges simply because i live in a different state then another person? peoples needs are still the same. i never did gain that sense of "entitlement" that so many "legal" growers have. i simply did what i did and did my best to share with those in need. i knew it was wrong, i just had a hard time accepting that fact.

i really shouldn't even be discussing this at this time. it's hard not to though.

I've had 3 knee surgery's on my right knee & 1 surgery on my left knee. Same problem in both knees but they tried to fix my right knee first which failed 2 times, so when my other knee gave out they just gave up on fixing it. I qualify for opiates but i cant get mmj ..............Its a little fucked up because i got addicted to the pills so now i refuse to take them. I honestly don't need the pills i can function better without them

just trying to point out that instead of using mmj for mild pain they prescribe something that will cause self destruction.


Well-Known Member
I got those abs from dancing at zoo, 12 hours each day for 3 days I lost like 10 lbs of fat and worked my core like crazy

granted I was rolling face all 3 days and candy flipped on day 3


Well-Known Member
lol u got in trouble for selling waaaaaaaay over priced outdoor to college kids lolololol.... greed had no part in this huh.....
your a fucking douche bag. talking shit to someone thats about to go do time for a crime 95% of us here are guilty of committing at some point in our lives. thats cold.. 30+months is a long time, your a hero fdd hang in there