Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Yeah it's not that uncommon, it is a cough that horses get and most of the time it's controllable. It was about 8 yrs so relatively young

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
What's going on bassman.

I justed wasted a half hour of my life that I'll never get back reading another miracle grow thread. I'll write it off as entertainment lol bunch of clowns name calling each other for 8 pages haha.

I think they probably will. It's their gig I don't have anything to do with it, it wasn't stabled here that's not to say she hasn't tried to get me to fix up the barn for one though ;)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Yeah it's not that uncommon, it is a cough that horses get and most of the time it's controllable. It was about 8 yrs so relatively young
Actually bassman it's not a cough I was wrong. It's a condition with their stomach being upset and then they roll around on their belly
to relieve it and end up getting their intestines twisted.


Well-Known Member
Actually bassman it's not a cough I was wrong. It's a condition with their stomach being upset and then they roll around on their belly
to relieve it and end up getting their intestines twisted.
Ok that sounds more like the Babies that have colic. I remember simethicone and other mild anti-acids etc being used.
Must be pretty painful if they are rolling around.

As far as that other MG thread, I like threads like yours where ppl are normal.
I have no time for all the cyber bullying and trolls.


Well-Known Member
Whoop whoop. Mass legalized medical marijuana. Colorado and Washington legalized recreational use!! U just have to be 21!!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I was just reading that on yahoo news a few minutes ago! Congrats to you Colorado and Washington residents! And to you beantowners that are taking a step in the right direction ;)

puff puff pass>>> shmoking my last bowl of pot for a little bit :( It's the crown off that Blueberry plant and I'm really savoring it lol. Got about an lb coming down starting fri or sat but nothing to smoke other than a hit or two of bb kief after this bowl is gone : !)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hehe kicking back with my feet up watching some old Looney Tunes lol. Hot cup of coffee of course too, it was in the mid teens this morning and going to stay cold today. Looks like the Nor easter will miss me but I forsee a lot of miserable people who haven't got their power back on yet down around nj.

Those poor fuks must be thinking back to back killer storms...what's the date again. Let's just hope there is not another one next week, damn 12/21 is just around the corner


Well-Known Member
I heard abouty Colorado, but Washington as well....

This might be the start of something really awesome!

I hope this isnt too good to be true....


Well-Known Member
Hey there matey!Got the socks up, il be about alot more atlast n got a nice LEM Candy pic ill have up for weekend bru.Hope your good and didnt get caught in the clouds!Speak soon palCinders


Well-Known Member
Damn man, I used to say it's easier to get through times of no money if you got some grass than getting through times of no grass when you got plenty of money. It sure sucks when you got grass and can't toke it! I have to be dry for a while, I sure wanted to celebrate the passage of i-502 and prop-64 in Washington State and Colorado but instead I had to just take a whiff off my fresh jar of sour d and put the lid back on. :(
Ah well, such is life!

Good vibes to my homies in the cave!


Well-Known Member
Damn man, I used to say it's easier to get through times of no money if you got some grass than getting through times of no grass when you got plenty of money. It sure sucks when you got grass and can't toke it! I have to be dry for a while, I sure wanted to celebrate the passage of i-502 and prop-64 in Washington State and Colorado but instead I had to just take a whiff off my fresh jar of sour d and put the lid back on. :(
Ah well, such is life!

Good vibes to my homies in the cave!
Hope you dont have to be dry for too long bro!!