F.M.I.L.Y's Grow


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
Thats all i use .. Hell of a lot cheaper than those over priced hydro store trays.
That's when i was 1st setting up a perpetual. The 1s here are $11 for the 3x4 trays, and $6 for the 2x3 trays.
I love the setup you got going on there!
Can you explain how all those different things work?


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys :hug: I guess we did a right fine job stumbling upon that abandoned grow house ;) My parents are looking at buying a home lol. This place was set UP at one time. These tubs were in the garage under a bunch of clothes. Yea! With everything having to go indoors now anyway *picture me grumbling and throwing a complete fit here* I guess I wont sell them.


Well-Known Member
Thanx, one of my favorite strains.
It has about all in one...color, smell, taste, dense buds, better than avg yield, easy to grow, long shelf lift, and a nice high.
nice dude! i got my fav rt now, but i doesnt cover as many categories as you haha. but it is realy bomb, and its the original so i have tons of room for improvement with breeding an what not haha.
my buddy got me seeds from some bomb strains to include my krypto in which i have 3 seeds but am hopping for male to cross first with my rom.


Well-Known Member
nice dude! i got my fav rt now, but i doesnt cover as many categories as you haha. but it is realy bomb, and its the original so i have tons of room for improvement with breeding an what not haha.
my buddy got me seeds from some bomb strains to include my krypto in which i have 3 seeds but am hopping for male to cross first with my rom.
I have a Kryptonite clone outside flowering.
It isnt doing much though.
I woulda been a great plant had I not put her outside while she was recovering from overdose of pesticide and straight into flowering in October.

Here is a bud from my GK



Well-Known Member
@bass looks to be some killer hash, have you made any with it yet? Sorry all for not being around much, just dealing with work and other things. I am going to let my son tattoo me, there is a girl I work with who is a tattoo artist and she is game about it. I cant wait.


Well-Known Member
I still have plans for the hash, been so busy though.
I made several bricks of ice Ill break up for the ica water hash. Might be any day that Ill make it.
That bud doesnt make much trim. It has low leaf to flower ratio, and even the popcorn nugs are good enough to keep for the most part, but I do have a lil bit.

I suppose every bud from the same plant could be different, but one day I smoked a bowl of this bud and it sent me a crazy body ride! It was too much for me, but next time I smoked it wasnt the same and I kinda missed it. I guess I am weird lol?


Well-Known Member
More Sasha pics....

Trainwreck Outdoor....


I was told by someone I dont know shit about growing, you know who you are..... After seeing this and seeing what Karma did to you, I would have to say, Karma is a MOTHER FUCKER!!!!

