This is how you determan when to start flower stage...


Active Member
I came across this blog and thought of all of you guys who ask this... Confusing question... Enjoy

Cannabis Light Schedules: When should I change my light schedule?
There are a million opinions about the best time to change your marijuana plant over to the flowering stage.
For those who don't know, your plant will stay in the vegetative or growing stage for as long as its daily 'dark period' is shorter than 12 hours a day. Or in other words, when the 'days' experienced by the plant are longer than 12 hours.
During this time, the plant does not produce buds at all.
In nature, as the days get shorter, cannabis plants will start flowering (producing buds) because they think winter is approaching.
The indoor grower will need to artificially induce flowering/budding in plants by changing the light schedule so the plant receives only 12 hours of light a day, and 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness.
Once the plant is changed over to the flowering (12/12) light schedule, there is generally another 6 weeks-5 months (average 2.5 months) before the plant's buds are ready for harvest.
So When is the Best Time to Start Flowering Your Cannabis?

The real answer is that i's a matter of personal preference and also depends on what end result you're looking for. There are two major considerations when choosing the right time to switch to 12/12, the age of the plant and the height of the plant:
Age: Some people feel that a marijuana plant which has been grown from seed will not produce as many buds or have enough resin production if the plant is not given at least 60 days in the vegetative stage to mature before it's changed over to the flowering stage. However, other people report success with germinating a seed, and changing the plant right over to flowering after only a week or two to get one or two sets of leaves. When growing with clones, age is not an issue and everyone seems to agree that you can switch directly to flowering once your clone has established roots. This is because even though the clone is small, it's still a 'mature' plant since it is made of a piece from a mature plant. In any case, whether you wait until your plant is 60 days old or start flowering it earlier, both methods can be successful, and you should switch your light schedule at the time that best fits your needs.
Height: A general rule is that your marijuana plant will double in size during the flowering stage from the point where you first change over the light schedule to 12/12. Some plants will grow more, some will grow less, but a good rule of thumb is to change your light schedule over to flowering when your plants have reached half of their final desired height. For those growing in a small space, height may be the primary concern. However, there are many techniques available to grow a short,bushy weed plant.
In optimal conditions, you would probably want to vegetate your plant for 60 days or more, and then switch it over to flowering. This will obviously give you the best final yields (and also the biggest and tallest final plant). However, if space is tight, then it's better to switch when the plant is half the final desired height, or even to just flower your cannabis plant straight from seed. If you're growing with clones, then you should only consider the height when switching over to flowering.

Tha-Tha-Tha That's all folks
Ok, first post on this forum and I hope nobody flames me with ridiculous crap.
My experience level is virtually nill, but I did grow a few plants in a closet about thirty years ago, they were small, pure sativa(never did mature, I just got impatient and paranoid).
Currently working on (might as well call it) my first grow. BC Skunk for BC Seed King (four plants) and one unknown from bag seed.
I am wrestling with this exact question, when to trigger flowering so I am gathering information, reading lots, avoiding the (legit) work I should be doing.

I think I have the lights figured out, I plan on doubling the light(intensity) in flower. Plants are currently under one 400W mh, I will put another 400W mh in there during flowering time.
Please don't tell me that I need HPS for flowering, I'm using what I have and my yield will be what it will be, I'm sure the plants will be healthy and get me high, it's just not optimal.

One thing that hasn't been discussed in this thread that I think is relevant is the size of the pot (assuming soil). For my I think that will be the deciding factor. Right now the plants are in 4 gallon pots and it seems to be a bad thing for the plants to become root bound during flower (I don't know, I just read this somewhere).

Any experienced soil growers out there to comment on pot size (shape, mine are taller than wider) and optimal time to flower.

BTW, I started the plants under CFL's in round pots about 4" in dia. I used grocery store potting soil (they claimed it was good soil on the package). Since I transplanted into some home made soil based on amendments that I could source locally, bigger pots (I couldn't believe how quickly they filled the pots with roots) and put under the MH bulb, these plants have absolutely exploded with growth! Very exciting.

Based on what I witnessed with the transplanting the plants were at least twice the size under the ground as they were above!

So any comments as to pot size and plant size? Comment away!


Mr. Barnflowers


New Member
ive been looking at autos,ive got a 600whps setup is that too much for veg as ive read they dont like too much when there babies,i can get hold of a 300w cfl dual spec would that be better for veg then put my hps on when it starts to flower,also the place i was gonna get my seeds from has a bad rep so ive joined a seedbank called attitude do you or any1 know of this site and r they any good as i cant afford to be ripped off,thanks for your reply:)
ive seen a strain of auto called think different by duthch passion,has any1 grown this?also im taking your adice and getting bcn diesel,ive also heard good things about hijak,but i think im gonna go with 3 think different and 3 bcn diesel,ive read some1 yielded over 300g on 1 plant with think different all though i dont expect toget anywhere near that as he grew using dwc and i wouldnt know where to start lol,with 6 autos im hoping to get at least 6 oz dry,i dont think thats asking too much,thanks again your advice have made me think different:)

The 300w would work. Idk about 'too much light' I start them off and finish with the same light. There the same as anyother plant, a 600 would be 'too much' if it were farther away, then it would be okay. Attitude is very cool, I just don't like there prices. There reliable though. Think different IS a good strain, I've heard and seen good things about it. With 6 autos under a 600, I can GARENTEE you 6oz, but I already know your going to get more :)

Start em off in 3 gallon pots. When there hungry, FEED, they have such a huge appetite it's not funny. Adapt to there life style, and they will reward you with VERY GOOD yields.

Keep on smokin


New Member
Ok, first post on this forum and I hope nobody flames me with ridiculous crap.
My experience level is virtually nill, but I did grow a few plants in a closet about thirty years ago, they were small, pure sativa(never did mature, I just got impatient and paranoid).
Currently working on (might as well call it) my first grow. BC Skunk for BC Seed King (four plants) and one unknown from bag seed.
I am wrestling with this exact question, when to trigger flowering so I am gathering information, reading lots, avoiding the (legit) work I should be doing.

I think I have the lights figured out, I plan on doubling the light(intensity) in flower. Plants are currently under one 400W mh, I will put another 400W mh in there during flowering time.
Please don't tell me that I need HPS for flowering, I'm using what I have and my yield will be what it will be, I'm sure the plants will be healthy and get me high, it's just not optimal.

One thing that hasn't been discussed in this thread that I think is relevant is the size of the pot (assuming soil). For my I think that will be the deciding factor. Right now the plants are in 4 gallon pots and it seems to be a bad thing for the plants to become root bound during flower (I don't know, I just read this somewhere).

Any experienced soil growers out there to comment on pot size (shape, mine are taller than wider) and optimal time to flower.

BTW, I started the plants under CFL's in round pots about 4" in dia. I used grocery store potting soil (they claimed it was good soil on the package). Since I transplanted into some home made soil based on amendments that I could source locally, bigger pots (I couldn't believe how quickly they filled the pots with roots) and put under the MH bulb, these plants have absolutely exploded with growth! Very exciting.

Based on what I witnessed with the transplanting the plants were at least twice the size under the ground as they were above!

So any comments as to pot size and plant size? Comment away!


Mr. Barnflowers

What's good Burnflower! Nice to meet you and welcome to RIU.

So when I grew up, being taught how to grow by my uncle and grandmother(6 years ago) i started out with a whole lot of questions. So don't feel that you have anything to hide here. RIU is fresh, and I can't help but to give advice, and hopefully change the life of others. So, pot size huh... Well a general rule of thumb is simply a gallon for every foot, your plant has in height. So if you were to have a 5' tree, it would be ideal to have it in a 5 gallon pot. Root bound is all in the growers head, I've seen people grow in pop cans at grasscity(those guys are no joke) and the root ball is rediculas, and still yielded good too.

It sounds like you got the light figured out, don't worry, I've flowered with a blue spec cfl before so I know how it is. FLOWERING is, like said before, all in a personal preference. You have a room that's 7' tall, your lights take away 1.5' of that, your pots take another 1'

So basically your left with 4.5' for plants. When you wanna take in the flower factor, DOUBLE your plant size when you flip that light. What I'm saying is 2.25' of plants will double into 4.5' when the lights are flipped. That's all the room you have!!!! But then there's techniques like LTSing and SCROG when you can take a really large plant and make it optimal for your room. It is up TO YOU to say what goes in your room, and you can flower, veg, for however long you want. Just know your limits.

Anything else Sir?


Well-Known Member

You can flip them whenever you want. You can grow 12/12 from seed.
I hate articles that compare indoor and outdoor, they are so radically different, it doesn't make sense. (there are also alternatives to using 12/12. DJ short does not use 12/12)

Many say you should not flip until a plant is mature (showing flowers).
Many grow 12/12 from seed or clone.

It is up to the grower. The environment may make the choice for you.
If you have limited height, you might not be able to veg to maturity.
My Indica 12/12 from seed ended up being 3 1/2' tall, and the Sativa ended up at 4'+ right now, and she put out another height spurt last week, even though she's been flowering for over 12 weeks (showing flowers).
What's good Burnflower! Nice to meet you and welcome to RIU.
Burnflower, I like that, wish I had some to burn!!

It looks like I've got a few months to go!

My results so far have been very encouraging, I built a 4' x 4' room out in the 'Barn' hence Barnflowers

At first I was just going to use bag seed but I'm glad I bought some seed, hopefully I'll feel the same once they are harvested. I tried germinating almost 100 seeds from a bag of seeds I found somewhere (strangly I don't even remember collecting those seeds, could be my daughters ). Anyway only one seed germinated from the bag seed, so it might be something really special, it certainly is an energetic little sucker!

I've migrated toward the organic side of things rather than going with ferts, I like the idea that it is not easy to over feed with organics. So my soil has blood meal, bone meal and I'm using fish emulsion and liquid kelp. The plants are loving the soil.

Lots to learn here, just disappointing to see all the bickering and posturing.

Man! You'd think pot made people violent!
Maybe it's lack of (pot) :weed:

Mr Barnflowers


New Member
Burnflower, I like that, wish I had some to burn!!

It looks like I've got a few months to go!

My results so far have been very encouraging, I built a 4' x 4' room out in the 'Barn' hence Barnflowers

At first I was just going to use bag seed but I'm glad I bought some seed, hopefully I'll feel the same once they are harvested. I tried germinating almost 100 seeds from a bag of seeds I found somewhere (strangly I don't even remember collecting those seeds, could be my daughters ). Anyway only one seed germinated from the bag seed, so it might be something really special, it certainly is an energetic little sucker!

I've migrated toward the organic side of things rather than going with ferts, I like the idea that it is not easy to over feed with organics. So my soil has blood meal, bone meal and I'm using fish emulsion and liquid kelp. The plants are loving the soil.

Lots to learn here, just disappointing to see all the bickering and posturing.

Man! You'd think pot made people violent!
Maybe it's lack of (pot) :weed:

Mr Barnflowers

My apologize, Barnflower. Well, you seem like a cool guy, and there's really lots to read/learn on this forum. I hope you stay and continue your hunt for all the marijuana in the world to toke!!

This place is fresh, we all enjoy growing pot and we all bicker at times, but in the end, were like a huge family. And people like myself and chucky are here to learn, teach, and yes bullshit. I don't think there's a place in the world where there isn't those 3 in 1 as a package.

Again, welcome to RIU. If you like bullshitting, we have a Toke n Talk forum. If your into politics we have a forum for that too. And please help yourself to anything RIU has to offer, deals and such.

Have a good one. And good luck with your grow!!


i have a parabolic reflector i just need to put the thing 2geva lol,would that make a difference coz what i want to do is use the 600hps with the parabolic but keep it further away from plants for the 1st week or two,then when they start showing pistols put it closer as i will use the 300 cfl for any side branches or part i think arnt getting enough,1 more question could i use 1 of the plants for cutting clones then use the 300 cfl on them till they grow roots?,im going for dyna grow as its alot cheaper coz the ammount of money people pay for nutes lights etc you might aswell buy a few oz lol,its a pitty i live near the airport coz i have to use the cupboard under the stairs which aint to bad abut 8ft long 5ft wide and over 6ft high,but my loft is massive and the only reason i dont wanna use that is coz the heat might be seen by hellicopters as im on a flight path it seems i get helis flying over my house quite alot,when is the gov gonna let us grow it legally,im sure it will happen,hopefully in my lifetime:) thanks again.


New Member
i have a parabolic reflector i just need to put the thing 2geva lol,would that make a difference coz what i want to do is use the 600hps with the parabolic but keep it further away from plants for the 1st week or two,then when they start showing pistols put it closer as i will use the 300 cfl for any side branches or part i think arnt getting enough,1 more question could i use 1 of the plants for cutting clones then use the 300 cfl on them till they grow roots?,im going for dyna grow as its alot cheaper coz the ammount of money people pay for nutes lights etc you might aswell buy a few oz lol,its a pitty i live near the airport coz i have to use the cupboard under the stairs which aint to bad abut 8ft long 5ft wide and over 6ft high,but my loft is massive and the only reason i dont wanna use that is coz the heat might be seen by hellicopters as im on a flight path it seems i get helis flying over my house quite alot,when is the gov gonna let us grow it legally,im sure it will happen,hopefully in my lifetime:) thanks again.

Start with maybe 2/3 feet away from the plants, then gradually push them closer. You CANNOT clone auto plants. If you were to clone a auto the clone would still be flowering. There the same age as the mother. Which means they flower depending on how old they are, no what light cycle there on. Cloning autos would decrease yield because it would stunt the plant.

Idk about the airport lol that's a taugh one... Well......................... I don't know lol


looks like ill stick with 6 and when they start flowering ill prob put another 3 in and keep doing it as i hate the price weed has got to,i havent smoked in over 2WEEKS!! just because i refuse to pay £10 a g,ive got about 20 bag seeds(i only keep high grade seeds) and 5 pineapple chunk,but youve now made me set my heart on the autos,and after abit of research they dont really differ too much in terms of thc,i wish i didnt buy the pineapple chunk now lol,if uk was hotter id put all 25 seeds in bk garden and grow my own jungle lol thanks for the advice again you have been very helpfull.