Cheap Soil Mixture! Suggestions???


Well-Known Member
I am actually curious about this too, I will be doing my first grow here pretty quick outdoors as well and was wondering specifically what to get.

So get...

Schultz Perlite from Walmart
Premier Peat Moss from Lowes
Alaskan fish Fertilizer from Walmart

And some potting soil I assume?
And are you talking about lime juice, like at the grocery store?

He means the mineral lime... Dolomite lime or barn lime. Its a buck or two for a 25lb bag at your local hardware store or farm coop... Dont ever put lime juice in your soil. Im sure that would lead to a screwed up ph...


Well-Known Member
ok here goes.

the plant in my avatar is grown in the dirt that is natural for my area .
i just dug in some sheep shit and put some fish in the ground below my girl.(i do that with all of my girls) then watered with fish emulsion.

now my soil is not the best as it has a high alkaline level ph 8.5 / 9
my water is from a limestone dam (high alkaline).

i do not ph my water and my girls grow well and produce well( 2.5 lb dried and cured off the one in my avatar)

so this stuff about buying expensive soil is all bullshit,i have been growing for 30 odd years and never bought soil just go to a spot turn the soil add sheep shit and fish and wallah i have a monster plant.

so if you want cheap soil just use what you have dig it ,mulch it ,add some animal shit,and water and of you go.
That thing in your avatar has a ton of colas...Do you top your plants???


Well-Known Member
Ultimate organic pro-mix $5 for 12lb bag
fill with 1/3 perlite
handful of lime
earthworm castings

FF and EJ grow for signs of nitrogen def. in veg and big bloom for flower.