Setting up for outdoor grow - Your tips, advice, suggestions welcomed!


I'll have plenty of space in an outdoor area. This will be my first actual real grow, I've done some small fun projects on the side - nothing major that I was dedicated to and put a lot of time into.

I'm just trying to soak up as much information as possible. I'm pretty knowledgeable already but I wanted to get some more input on my setup.

I'll have anywhere from 12-24 plants. I'll be getting some clones at my local dispensary once I have everything ready.

When ready, I'll transfer each plant into a 1 gallon container (feedback?). The soil I'll be going with will probably be a FoxFarm soil suggested by the guy at my local hydroponics store.

Any tips and advice for the whole pH level system? Anyone want to point me to some good tools I can use to measure levels?

I'm just looking for as much advice as possible on this whole setup. Imagine it as your own and suggest the supplies and equipment I should invest into. My budget is pretty wide, I don't mind spending on quality.
well first off its going into winter so like you are about 5 months early unless you are gonna use a greenhouse with lighting and heat otherwise this has no chance. Second 1 gallon pots?? I'm gonna do a early grow this year jan-may and I'm using 25 gallon bags.....remember the plant can only grow as much as the root system does. Also just buy a basic PH testing kit with some PH up and Ph down.....extremely important to maintain a even PH balance. Good luck
Hi, I am new to this site and literally signed up 5 minutes ago. I am planning an outdoor grow obviously. The problem is this will be my first grow as of next summer. At this time I have no money for seeds or nutrients but can get the cash by then. I am currently looking into getting 10x Jack herer seeds feminized from Black skull seeds. They are only $50 for 10 which is what caught my eye. The strain sounds to be good quality and yield.(appealing) I have a general area chosen to grow, It is in the city and is kinda close to buildings but there are spots that are to thick for anyone else to go. My questions are these. How far away can my strain (or generally any weed) be smelled? Is this strain even good for outdoors? How much care does it need an out door plant need? Is there a strain suited for the northern Ontario climate and has easy growing traits and high yield? I am hoping to get at least a few ounces from this grow and any response would be great.:leaf:


Active Member
So wide budget...endless possibilities and room for experience and experiments! So your talkin raised beds im thinkin also. Supersoil aint a bad way to start, if you aint scared to get your hands dirty, and can also save you money on extra ferts down the road.
huge amount of money is gonna be soil....for my grow I'm starting soon I'm spending $600 on soil alone also never grow from seed always use clones from reputable dealers so you don't get males


Well-Known Member
huge amount of money is gonna be soil....for my grow I'm starting soon I'm spending $600 on soil alone also never grow from seed always use clones from reputable dealers so you don't get males
Or start you a mother indoors and then get your own cuttings when time comes.. Save a lot of money
Changed up my seed selection and am planing on picking up about 20 master kush seeds from nirvana and am doing a guerrilla grow of all the seeds that are fem and survive. So... will probably have alteast 10 master kush plants and am also getting 10 big bud super skunk. Growing all at once for a first time grow. Hopefully going to get a pound or more. Advice? tips? what can you tell me about what this strain likes? also bare minimum I can expect for yield?