You make it sound as if the Republicans won't let in people of color. They WILL!
Anyone who wants to be a Republican can be.
Yeah, but, why would they? That's the problem. Whatever deomizing sauce got sprayed on them, it still stinks. My partisan friends say they are not partisan, but they just hate Republicans. It is honest. But, the can't explain it, beyond, "they suck!"
If the Pubs go after another voting block, they will be laughed at as pandering. The Panders got there first. The thing about these voting blocks is they are actually inner city blocks guarded my gangs. People say, oh the Pub lost the ground game in Ohio. That means they were loathed to get shot or worse, is all. Just like Tammany Hall days, politics can be a blood sport.
"Hey, homs, wha cha think yer doin', yo lost? Ya better get that Romney shit on up and out of here. You might never find your way home." That threat is not to be taken lightly. There is no upper-crusty, pre-remose at work.
The civil rights workers that ended up under the earth dam in the Deep South could have paid more attention to the warning. There was no upper-crusty, pre-remorse at work.
Think Turn About,,that's what this is and no fair play. Pay's a bitch. Reparations? It is already happening.
This is not a color game. It is a class war. Ask Robespierre's head as it rolls by. All govt fear the mob. I don't even like cake. Whitey and mob don't mix. Raw emotion. The Have Nots don't like it and they can do something about it.
I don't even like cake. But, I embrace hip-hop. I registered Independent. I dropped the NRA. I want a clean wallet.
Just in case.