The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
tor isn 100 percent safe either lad if it was every paedophile in the country be usein it.if the shades wanted they could track every person on this site they jus dont have the time or money and i dont think there bothered about lads growin a couple of plants.cmon ming start fightin too get it legalized here.


Well-Known Member
Great point Marley..

I grow so i dont have to buy the shit they sale on the streets... If the guards have the time and money to lift a copter to hover over my shed and then arrest me for my hobby grow then they have everything arse about tit..


Active Member
your bang on jay agree 100 percent pal.ming doesn give a fuck now he has his big salary ta fuck off ta amsterdam anytime he wants so if your readin this ming get your finger out and start fightin ta free the herb.:-P


Well-Known Member
I cant see us getting it legal anytime soon, too many old men in charge with beliefs and opinions that wont change even when scientific fact is shown to them

when you say they wouldent bother small guys like us, theres a local newspaper up here that has somebody in it every week in court for possion of one single cannabis joint worth less than 5 euro, is that not the worset fucking waste of the courts time and money youve ever seen


Active Member
Dont know rory looks like he had more medical problems, hope he gets back to us in good health
lets hope he just went over his internet usage, it happened to him before,,wer on same provider and i know the limit gets reset on the might hav him back then please god if thats all it is.


Active Member
anyone here gonna vote on the child referendum how about you mandy
to be honest i havent heard really anything about it, no info was sent out so how do they expect a fair vote,, i dont know if voting yes is good or bad if u no wat i mean,, crazy how they just dont tell sum people about it,,


Active Member
Strange about ae alright. Place goes quite without him.
Did ye see where the supreme court ruled the Info they were sending out was "biased and misleading".
I'll be voting yes anyway...the church said vote no so thats good enough for me


Well-Known Member
I like your style paddy! sure way to do the right thing is to do the opposite of them looney bins in the church, i dont ever go with what the government want but in this case i will vote yes, ive seen way too many cases where parents here can be drunk 24/7 and neglect the kids and abuse them and fuck all can be done about it, i know people where there kids are reported every week for neglect and nothing is ever done only a talk with the drunken mum


Active Member
its hard ta know if its voted yes the state will legaly own your kids dont like the taught of not havin 100 percent legal right over my kids the way it stands now we do.just an opinion it has its advantages aswell.


Well-Known Member
I dont like giving them that control either but id rather see kids adopted rather than living in hell with unsafe parents and lets be honest you would have to be a real shitty parent to have your kids taken away, it wouldent happen for something stupid


Active Member
But it just isn't working marley. Too many cases of child neglect in the news of late and shit I know of myself. Something's got to change.


Active Member
ye its true lads seen it all myself some bad parents out there.cant see it been voted in tho people dont know much about it......after how long do i start givin nutes?