see ya later, allen west

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
I'm missing something FG. I live in GA but I'm not from here so I'm not really familiar Max Cleland, but he seems like a decent enough guy, pretty good looking resume from what I read in that link.

Sometimes I wish I could fuck myself, life would be so much simpler.
They swiftboated him before Kerry.

In 2002 Cleland faced Saxby Chambliss for the Georgia Senate seat. Cleland enjoyed a comfortable lead in the polls early in the race but lost much ground in the weeks running up to it. A week before the voting an Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll showed Cleland ahead by five points, 49-44. By Saturday before the race a poll by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution the lead had shrunk to 48–45 which was within the poll's margin of error.[SUP][11][/SUP] On election day Cleland lost to Chambliss 53-46. Some supporters blamed a Chambliss TV ad featuring the likenesses of Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, while criticizing Cleland's votes against homeland security measures.[SUP][12][/SUP] Cleland supporters claimed the ad questioned the senator's patriotism,[SUP][13][/SUP] while Chambliss supporters claimed it simply questioned his judgment.[SUP][13][/SUP][SUP][14][/SUP] The ad was removed after protests from prominent politicians including Republicans such as John McCain and Chuck Hagel, both of whom are also veterans of the war in Vietnam.



Well-Known Member
Wow, that sucks, I hope people didn't talk about him the way people in this thread are talking about West. I got a chance to meet another war hero from GA that served in congress for years, Jim Marshall. He along with McCain were responsible for the majority of GI and VA bennies that were bipartisan efforts the last 20 years. He came to our hospital and acted like he really wanted our input in health care reform, I respected that. All because I sent his office an email with some of the issues I had with Obamacare. He was one of the Dems that voted against Obamacare but he was still a victim of the bloodlust of the 2010 elections. Sad, I have much respect for the man.

I'm still missing your point though.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
That you criticize liberals about treating veterans poorly when conservatives do worse,Cleland being a major example that stuck with me.

I'm glad West is no longer a representative. He was a right wing nut, that has nothing to do with him being a veteran or not.


Well-Known Member
That you criticize liberals about treating veterans poorly when conservatives do worse,Cleland being a major example that stuck with me.

I'm glad West is no longer a representative. He was a right wing nut, that has nothing to do with him being a veteran or not.
Oh OK. How bout if I criticize the right when they do it too? I cringed at what was said about Teddy even though he covered up a homicide. The man dedicated his life to his country and while I think he did more damage than good, I think his intentions were mostly honorable. I didn't like some of the stuff said that didn't pertain to him being a homicidal coward.

Of course this would mean if you do not hold yourself to the same standard you hold the right then maybe you could go fuck yourself instead (and show me how).

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Oh OK. How bout if I criticize the right when they do it too? I cringed at what was said about Teddy even though he covered up a homicide. The man dedicated his life to his country and while I think he did more damage than good, I think his intentions were mostly honorable. I didn't like some of the stuff said that didn't pertain to him being a homicidal coward.

Of course this would mean if you do not hold yourself to the same standard you hold the right then maybe you could go fuck yourself instead (and show me how).
I hope you called Laura Bush a homicidal coward too.


Well-Known Member
I hope you called Laura Bush a homicidal coward too.
I have to admit I haven't. Did she get drunk, drive off a bridge killing someone, run to the family to figure out how to cover it up and wait a day to report it? I'm not aware of this but if she did then yes, she's also a homicidal coward.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
I have to admit I haven't. Did she get drunk, drive off a bridge killing someone, run to the family to figure out how to cover it up and wait a day to report it? I'm not aware of this but if she did then yes, she's also a homicidal coward.
She killed her ex boyfriend with a car. Man you right wingers still have a hard on for Teddy even in death.


Well-Known Member
I wish Bachmann was going with him..Next time...Glad to see Grayson back in
Bachmann is my representative, and when I looked down at either voting for her or Graves... I simply froze for a minute and left it blank. I wipe my hands from that mess.


Well-Known Member
Bachmann is my representative, and when I looked down at either voting for her or Graves... I simply froze for a minute and left it blank. I wipe my hands from that mess.
What was wrong with Graves ???? I truly do not know.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Rep. Allen "Communists Are Everywhere" West and his followers are continuing to scream about "voter fraud" as West refuses to concede defeat over "irregularities" in Florida's St. Lucie Country.

The state issued complete but unofficial results showing Murphy with a lead of 2,442 votes, or 50.4 percent. That's beyond the half-percent margin needed to trigger an automatic recount. A handful of overseas and military ballots remain outstanding, but under state law the decision for a recount is based on Saturday's count. West's campaign insists there are many unanswered questions in the race, mostly centered in St. Lucie County, the only one of three counties in the district that Murphy won. They are concerned that votes were counted twice and have asked to review sign-in books from the polls to ensure the number of voters matched the ballot count. "We're simply not going to just walk away from the race until we see that the numbers add up," West campaign manager Tim Edson said. West's only path forward appears to be through the courts. Under state law, he still could contest the election if misconduct or fraud might have changed its result.

Twitter's wingnuts are screaming that St. Lucie County's final voter tally shows that an impossible 141% of registered voters went to the polls. But as even Michelle Malkin's Twitchy site glumly admits, that number being reported actually represents "cards cast" as St. Lucie's ballot was two pages long. Two cards for each voter brings voter turnout back down into reality.
Mr. Fiscal Conservative is going to drag this through the courts with taxpayers footing the bill.

Prisoner #56802

New Member
^^^ I'm like a dumb ass bitch who can't get up the nerve to leave her fucking abusive, murderous husband.... right?

here's what I look like ,'s gonna take some time to heal up! LOL! That was A close one! WHEW!

BTW: "Je t'aime"....means I like U! smooch! kisses, bb! mmmmm! :)


Prisoner #56802

New Member
What's 'your' psychiatric hospital like?
like a hotel......or motel. No seclusion rooms - all rooms must have the doors left open 24/7 - cigarette or fresh air breaks every hour or so - some groups to talk it out - and a gym for recreational the coffee is fresh and I can have like 2-3 cups of it a day. I just ask 4 it



Well-Known Member
West finally conceded. But he goes down swearing the denied recounts in certain counties cost him. I also read Georgia is putting out feelers to get him into politics in that state. You two would go well together.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

No link on purpose. Not important enough.