Whos your favorite reality show star??????


New Member
I know his DVDs shows everything but you can Youtube "Hell's Kitchen uncensored", leaving the f word in makes a big difference.


Well-Known Member
gordan ramseyis the shit! specially when the restaurant served rotten fucking food, "holy fuck thats the pork i had for lunch, fuck me!" he says what i would say but nicer...and hell make em eat their own food sometimes! bbc version on netflix,you wont be disappointed! specially if you work a kitchen.


Well-Known Member
Its hella funny on kitchen nightmares when people try to step up to him. Ramsey will beat some ass

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
"In building a society that is so successful, we have entered into an eternal paradox of tension between individuality and self serving on one side and the needs of the society on the other that makes individual success gauranteed. That is inherent in the human condition so we will always suffer that tension and walk the fine line."

- David Attenborough

I dunno if he's considered a reality show man but if we're saying people like that then...Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson, man is a fucking genius!
I wasn't sure if David Attenborough would be considered a reality show star but I hate reality TV in general and couldn't think of anyone I liked. I haven't had cable in years because there is nothing on TV worth watching anymore, except a few shows that I can just buy on DVD or watch online.


Well-Known Member
whoever this guy is, dumbass giant.. just because your huge dont make your bigass a beast [video=youtube;PPNdW5eXvI0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPNdW5eXvI0&feature=endscreen&NR=1[/video]


Well-Known Member
whoever this guy is, dumbass giant.. just because your huge dont make your bigass a beast [video=youtube;PPNdW5eXvI0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPNdW5eXvI0&feature=endscreen&NR=1[/video]
damn, dude got mollywhopped. nite nite