Bri, couple question/thoughts...First off, that airstone in the left is not cutting it...It seems like it has a lot of restriction, and those Whisper air pumps can't push through them when they're like that. It varies from stone to stone, some are better than others.
Do you know how warm the temperature in those reservoirs get? And how are you topping off the water?
You could probably drop those lights closer to the plants, those sorta fluorescent grow lights do the best work when they're positioned a few inches from the top foliage. Ever thought about adding some CFL's to the sides of the plants, specfically the one on the left? Side lighting could help a TON, since the penetration qualities of fluorescent lights sorta blow. Also, any plants for a fan or something moving the air around the plants? Plants LOVE a little breeze every now and then.
Looking great, I have faith in first time grows under fluorescents...I had a splendid time my first grow under CFL's, and I think everyone else can too!