First time grower, under CFL's, would like some feedback


Well-Known Member
Greetings all,

First time grower, I've put together a small setup in the past few weeks by gathering lots of infos on those forums.

Lighting : 6 x 6500k 23w CFL's (about 3-4 inches from the plants)
Medium : using some pro nature mix organic soil I've got from home depot, it's got perlite in it already but I added some more. Also transplanted 4 of the plants today and decided to add some worm castings (4 biggest pots on the pictures)
Strain : Jacks Cleaner 2 from TGA

4 biggest plants are about 17 days from sprout, others are about 2 days younger.

Been reading lots of grow journals and I think they're small for being about 3 weeks old but I'm not too concerned about their size since space is obviously an issue but they don't look so healthy, curled/yellow leaves, some of the younger plants are almost dead.

I've not added any nuts yet, since I just transplanted I guess it could wait at least a week or two.

Temp is about 80 during the light cycle and in the low 70's during the night. They might have been burnt a bit since I was not reading temp at the plant level but since the new leaves are not looking so bad I guess it was not my main issue. Either way I've added fan so temp should be about right now.

Cycle is 18/6.

I might have over watered a bit, giving them about 100ml every 2-3 days, making sure the soil was VERY dry before watering them.

Ran a PH test last week and it was just about right, ~6.5.

Here are some pics of the 4 biggest plants :

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One of the younger one, in pretty bad shape IMO.


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The setup :

View attachment 2405201

Also, I've got some MG plant food (24-8-16), is that ok to eventually use for veg?

Thanks for the feedback guys.


Well-Known Member
the six 23 watters would be enough for one smaller plant rule is 100 actual watts per plant min more is always better


Well-Known Member
Better start real light on the mg when you do.. Fill an empty pot with dry soil and feel the weight of it.. Then when your pots with girls feel the same way thats when you water. You're fingers don't get deep enough in the soil to check dryness.. If any leaves are touching the soil, either trim them or cut them off, they will just rot anyway.


Active Member
Do you have Rotating fans in there to help with strengthen their stalks? That will also help dry them out if you over watered. Make sure you trim the leaves that are touching the soil as you don't want your foliage to rot or even worse get mold that can spread.


Well-Known Member
Definite overwatering. If you kind of fluff up the soil surface with a knife or fork, it will dry out faster. Just don't dig too deep.


Well-Known Member
Thanks all for the feedback. Will definitely add some light and go easy on the watering, will see how it goes. Already trimmed some of the bottom leaves touching the soil also.