I think I have enough seeds to start experimenting and playing now! O_o


Well-Known Member
your not sure what they are?
I was told from the original seeds I got form a friends they could be a couple things, Purp, Bubblegum, OG kush, or some other strain. It was grown local and that is what he was told from the grower or the seller I do not know personally.

The buds off the smaller more potent plant have a danky sweet smell. It is not skunky or putrid but it smells like Dank weed and was covered in trichs very early in it's life.

I snapped a branch and took it to my local hydro shop I never noticed the smell until I was walking around with a small branch in my pocket in a ziploc and I smelled pretty bad lol I could smell it off myself and the employee was like is that you?


Well-Known Member
Also! Let me make this very clear!!! My growing conditions were anything but average!!! They were well below average! No fans to exchange air , just an entire room in the house for the grow. Only one 400w HPS for flower and was my first time growing and also used ONLY CUBES to grow in.

Which means!! Those plants in those pictures could have been quadruple that size and been much much for potent given the right environment!!

I am assuming these are good seeds and a good strain and also very very ruggid considering one survived a salt build up of 4000PPM and id not die just got sever burn on the flower tips after I flushed! So this strain and take a wallop and survive!



Well-Known Member
damnn. i've been wanting to get some bubblegum seeds but that shit is expensive lol. you probably didn't need air flow because it was a bigger room. grats on your first grow though man.


Well-Known Member
damnn. i've been wanting to get some bubblegum seeds but that shit is expensive lol. you probably didn't need air flow because it was a bigger room. grats on your first grow though man.
I do not know if they are bubblegum or not they smelled sweet to me, well not like candy sweet but it was a danky sweet, rather than a nasty Piss skunk smell that other strains have when they get potent.


Active Member
I was joking with ya for the most part brother. But, piss was never the name I put to it...lol
I apologise if I offended you. It was not my intent.


Well-Known Member
well thats good you have 2 generations of F1s i would in breed the 2 separate to start with and find F2s with the particular phenos you want then cross and inbreed that F1 offspring then the F2 offspring and so on.

more than likely as far the strain goes you will never know, but i would give them a simple name to be able to note them in you breeding records and whatnot.

also as much as im all for giving out free seeds i dont want to see you get in trouble i would delete those posts.


Well-Known Member
I was joking with ya for the most part brother. But, piss was never the name I put to it...lol
I apologise if I offended you. It was not my intent.
no offense taken man lol . I am an easy going guy that loves to joke. I only get angry when you get angry, know what I mean? :p


Well-Known Member
well thats good you have 2 generations of F1s i would in breed the 2 separate to start with and find F2s with the particular phenos you want then cross and inbreed that F1 offspring then the F2 offspring and so on.

more than likely as far the strain goes you will never know, but i would give them a simple name to be able to note them in you breeding records and whatnot.

also as much as im all for giving out free seeds i dont want to see you get in trouble i would delete those posts.
oops...I can get in trouble for those posts about giving away seeds?? Yikes. My bad didn't know it was a rule


Active Member
Can't really tell from those pictures, but you may have a lot of immature seeds to pick through on those ones you just cut. I don't see any that are poking out of the calyx, which is the best sign of being ripe. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Also, I've heard from reliable sources and witnessed myself that lots of trichs doesn't always mean its more potent. Do a smoke test before you decide on which to keep crossing.


Well-Known Member
Can't really tell from those pictures, but you may have a lot of immature seeds to pick through on those ones you just cut. I don't see any that are poking out of the calyx, which is the best sign of being ripe. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Also, I've heard from reliable sources and witnessed myself that lots of trichs doesn't always mean its more potent. Do a smoke test before you decide on which to keep crossing.
Yea I don't smoke pot on a regular basis so testing myself is a no go. Yea I probably do have some immature seeds, they still have a chance though, I have seen white underdeveloped seeds grow into lush plants