Nutrient Schedule


Hi all, I had a quick question about Nutrients.

I went to my local supply shop and got some Nutrients and have been following the guide that came with it. But on the chart it has a Grow phase of 2 weeks, and bloom of 8 weeks.

Now if i understand correctly the "Grow Phase" is the plants vegetative state, and the "Bloom Phase" is the flowering stage.

So if my assumptions are correct, 2 weeks is way to short for a vegetative state my plant will be tiny!

So to my question, what do i do for Nutrients, do i stick to the grow schedule regardless of what stage my plant is in. which sounds stupid.

Or do i simply extend the "grow phase" for about 4-5 more weeks, then continue with the "bloom phase" once i change my lighting cycle to 12/12?

I have attached the grow schedule that came with my Nutrients.

Thanks in advance. :mrgreen:

match box

Well-Known Member
I'm on my 2 grow and it's not so easy to read your plants when ya first start. Just veg longer and when you think they are ready go to flower. good luck


Well-Known Member
Ignore the schedule. Veg for as long as you can for the space you have. The longer you veg, the bigger your yield. If you can go the full 6-8 weeks, then you'll be on your way to maximum yield.

Also ease your plants in to the nutrient levels -- start with 1/4 strength for a couple of weeks, then 1/2 strength for a couple of weeks, then 3/4 strength, then full strength. That should be around the time that you go from veg to flowering.

It's better to undernute and treat for a deficiency than overnute and try to keep from killing them.


New Member
Nutrient Schedules are like Cooking Recipes .. Each has to be adjusted according to the variables involved most times not .. I think of a recipe as a guideline and even less with Nutrient Schedules as often they are bullshit ...