Another fallen soldier


Well-Known Member
Two million dollars worth of pot & a 3/4 million dollar bond,somethings seriously wrong there,rapists & child molesters do not ever get bonds that damm high,EVER !

This shit pisses me off to no end,im glad as hell my state is on its way to medical mj legalization,im sick to death of seeing people going through what i went through.

Before its over that poor kid will be known as an evil drug overlord of a multi million dollar empire,an empire that killed school kids & nun's in a 3 state radius by hooking them on high tech pot with 100 times the potency of regular mj.


Well-Known Member
1st. Lma off!
Noooo way.....not Larry!!! :mrgreen:

Then. Lmao, again. Nice one. We all love Texas.
so yeah i just seen this another thread, another local story in my part of the world.

3 accused of using Humble corpse's head to smoke pot | - Houston Chronicle

I tell you what, houston sure does have some interesting potheads

I know it sounds sick, but i think i would smoke from it
Me too.

And then of course.

an evil drug overlord of a multi million dollar empire,an empire that killed school kids & nun's in a 3 state radius by hooking them on high tech pot with 100 times the potency of regular mj.
High tech pot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha ha ha ah haaaaa ha aha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
High tech pot! I'm using that one from now on. LEO always makes it seem that way. All new fangled and futuristic.

And of course. The stark reality of the situation is...

He'll probably shoot up his school when he get's out.
Because all "stoners" end up bugging out. According to LEO.

Nice one.:evil:

High tech pot


Active Member
if i was one of them neighbours i dont think the cops would of found any equipment in there, what i rekon there should be is a secret society a whole street just growing plants lol, id rekon that would cool and u could all help each other out of shit, like if sumone gets caught all chip in for bail lol and so on.


Well-Known Member
I just looked at all the pics, Fox news really has no business posting this guys American Express card numbers, as clearly seen here. You can read the name, luckily the three digit validation code on the back of the card isn't visible.

This is a crazy story all the way around, can't really plan for that to happen. Stupid truck can't be removed from the house until the guy is out of jail on bond or whatever due to texas State law.

'According to Texas law, in order for the truck to be removed from the home, the truck has to be released by the homeowner to the vehicle's owner. Since the homeowner is in jail, he can't release the truck.'

The grower shouldn't have been greedy and had 300 plants, but that's another story :roll:


Well-Known Member
I don't think any amount of house plants could cover up what he was doing with those lights, unless he had like another whole house full of them to switch with his pot just in case a drunk driver hit his house... lol. Stil a good idea though. I like how nothing in the report said anything about the driver and why he crashed, probably alcohol, and if it was I would think the drunk should be in jail not the stoner. A drunk driver hitting any other house like that could very well have taken out someone in their bedroom, or worse, someones kids, yet he hits a house full of pot and everyones attention is drawn to that instead. Shows what the real drug is I think.

And still alcohol is legal and the ganj isnt, HELLO !!!YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKERS WHEN YOU GONNA GET A CLUE!!
fuckin pisses me off!!!


Well-Known Member
if i was one of them neighbours i dont think the cops would of found any equipment in there, what i rekon there should be is a secret society a whole street just growing plants lol, id rekon that would cool and u could all help each other out of shit, like if sumone gets caught all chip in for bail lol and so on.

Yeah and my address would be 420 Mary Jane St. LOL:peace:


Well-Known Member
You guys notice this picture, the cops took 4 pics of his cigarettes but this photo caught my attention, for an indoor plant, this mother must have been a few years old, probably took the clones from her

Look at the stem size in correlation to the stake.



Well-Known Member
Absolutely disgusting that our Prison-Industrial Complex will now use our tax dollars to take their best shot at utterly destroying this young man's life.


Well-Known Member
Damn dude I'm from Houston, this sucks balls. Just another freak accident occurred...

Can you imagine doing 20-30 years because of that moron driving his truck into your grow? If it were me, that dude is going to want to get in his shit truck and make himself pretty damn scarce when I'm released in 2041.