
Well-Known Member
We aint talking about something taken out of context
We are talking about a father and son whose only links to our country was being born here and activly trying to attack us
Stop the hyperbole and moving the goal posts

and again
Your Saint ROnnie the racist lost get over it and smoke a bowl
Your right, I will smoke that bowl. I am obviously wasting my time trying to help you see that losing freedom is never a good thing. I will leave you with this Ben Franklin quote "They who give up liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.


Well-Known Member
Chesus, I take you have family. Lets just say it's 2016 and we have a new president. And this president is not as caring as your beloved Obama. He targets one of your family members as a terrorist, all because of something that was posted online that was taking out of context. He is snatched up from his home and taken to some undisclosed place and held indefinite with out a trial. Are you still going to feel the same? Just food for thought. Or are you one of those that say's...." that can't happen here, this is America"?
talk about paranoid.


New Member
yep. haven't noticed a single person get detained indefinitely for words on the internet taken out of context. have you?
Maybe you should read a book called "Taxi to the Darkside" or are you unfamiliar with the words "Extraordinary Rendition"?


Well-Known Member


New Member

dude wasn't even an american citizen, he was an afghani in a war zone.

are you trying to make me laugh or something?

Whatever happened to the great USA being the shining beacon of freedom? Ask Thomas Drake what he thinks?

And no i'm not linking for you - I wouldn't want to impress you with my literacy....

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member

Whatever happened to the great USA being the shining beacon of freedom? Ask Thomas Drake what he thinks?

And no i'm not linking for you - I wouldn't want to impress you with my literacy....
You realize that the initial investigation and the early charges happened under Führer Bush's regime, right?


New Member
You realize that the initial investigation and the early charges happened under Führer Bush's regime, right?
Of course, but Obama has agressivly pursued whistleblowers and taken the Führer's (appropriate) NSD to a new level.

Indictments came in 2010, charges were then dropped to a misdemeanor offence... Amounting to a totally bullshit charge

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Of course, but Obama has agressivly pursued whistleblowers and taken the Führer's (appropriate) NSD to a new level.

Indictments came in 2010, charges were then dropped to a misdemeanor offence... Amounting to a totally bullshit charge
The draft indictment was penned in 2007-2008 after his house was raided and he cooperated with the FBI. It was drafted by Steven Tyrell. He was the head of the Fraud Task Force appointed by Bush. He was the driving force behind indicting Drake. He told Drake he had enough evidence to, "put him away for the rest of his natural life." The investigation, the raids, and the harassment happened before O'Bama was even a presidential candidate. Why you keep trying to tie this to NDAA and O'Bama is beyond me.


Well-Known Member
The draft indictment was penned in 2007-2008 after his house was raided and he cooperated with the FBI. It was drafted by Steven Tyrell. He was the head of the Fraud Task Force appointed by Bush. He was the driving force behind indicting Drake. He told Drake he had enough evidence to, "put him away for the rest of his natural life." The investigation, the raids, and the harassment happened before O'Bama was even a presidential candidate. Why you keep trying to tie this to NDAA and O'Bama is beyond me.
it's like trying to debate a pinball wrapped in tin foil.


New Member
The draft indictment was penned in 2007-2008 after his house was raided and he cooperated with the FBI. It was drafted by Steven Tyrell. He was the head of the Fraud Task Force appointed by Bush. He was the driving force behind indicting Drake. He told Drake he had enough evidence to, "put him away for the rest of his natural life." The investigation, the raids, and the harassment happened before O'Bama was even a presidential candidate. Why you keep trying to tie this to NDAA and O'Bama is beyond me.
Obama kept it going with his fast n furious buddy holder. Again Indictments in 2010. Or was bush still pres in your world?

Obama is the NDAA - its his policy and an indication on how he views the freedoms and liberties that americans take for granted. Or did he not sign that into law?

here' what drake himself thinks... http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2011/05/23/110523fa_fact_mayer