18 Veteran Suicide attempts daily


Well-Known Member
So we have spent the last year worried about a lot of things, the economy topping most lists. Just wondering when the rising (as if 18 a day wasn't enough) rate of veteran suicides will get a closer look.

Happy Veterans Day.


New Member


Well-Known Member
The 18 a day figure is all veterans, from active duty to veterans from past wars, not only Iraq and Afghanistan. It is an average from 9-11 to when the study was completed, but the rate is rising.


New Member
part of the reason is probably shock factor that the main stream media, america, etc... are all a bunch of corporate puppets propagandising us..The rest of is just learn this slowly but if it hits you all at once that everything they have told us is a lie I see how you might just go over the edge.

Prisoner #56802

New Member
^^ I have non-milltary PTSD and if I watch the news 4 more than just 20 minutes, I start to feel a symptom starting. So, yeah....the news is like propaganda. I can hardly tolerate any news other than the weather these days - or a whale rescue story. The rest is full of violence, lies and ratings.......

I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have a case of PTSD as severe as a solidier who has multiple horrid experiences of violence and trauma on the battlefield

Happy veterans day


New Member
^^ I have non-milltary PTSD and if I watch the news 4 more than just 20 minutes, I start to feel a symptom starting. So, yeah....the news is like propaganda. I can hardly tolerate any news other than the weather these days - or a whale rescue story. The rest is full of violence, lies and ratings.......

I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have a case of PTSD as severe as a solidier who has multiple horrid experiences of violence and trauma on the battlefield

Happy veterans day
Then just imagine how you would feel when you realize the traumatizing event you experience was only in the name of corporate fat cat mobsters and had nothing to do with justice or freedom whatsoever but in fact represented the polar opposite...Corruption, Greed, Oppression, etc..

Prisoner #56802

New Member
^^^^ I would put my head in the sand - so to speak...and then I would pray to God that my military service was real Valor and not just a waste of life for the corporate dollar.....then I would vaporize some herb and have a couple Guinness Draughts knowing that if I get totally wasted or too high, I'm gonna have have a problem (i'm in control).....I wish we had more honor in the USA




Well-Known Member
Then just imagine how you would feel when you realize the traumatizing event you experience was only in the name of corporate fat cat mobsters and had nothing to do with justice or freedom whatsoever but in fact represented the polar opposite...Corruption, Greed, Oppression, etc..
I agree completely.

It is easier to just stay drunk though. Stay in the program of low effort thinking and status quo glory. A lot of my buddies either killed themselves or still act gung ho, but deep inside it is terrifying to know that it's all BULLSHIT.


New Member
Then just imagine how you would feel when you realize the traumatizing event you experience was only in the name of corporate fat cat mobsters and had nothing to do with justice or freedom whatsoever but in fact represented the polar opposite...Corruption, Greed, Oppression, etc..
You feel sick to your stomach.

Read War Is a Racket by Smedley Butler (2 time MOH recipient) crazy

Prisoner #56802

New Member
That's 18 failures everyday! No wonder the Japanese are kicking our ass. We can't even kill ourselves properly.
I'm pretty sure a soldier can kill the fuck out of his/herself if they are 100% sure that existence is unbearable

Why don't you spit in our faces, too...eh?

This below takes years & YEARS to master and only the best will qualify! They make it look easy, don't they? That boat is full to capacity!!!



Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Then it means you're a primadona. I have no sympathy for those who join the US killing machine. I'd rather be killed by it than kill in its name.I revere all life,which is why I'm vegan.I refuse to take a life unless personally threatened.

Prisoner #56802

New Member
^^^^ You have a lot of learning 2 do, young person.....How dare you?! A soldier in a warzone is under live fire 24/7 .....constantly watching their back for enemy fire. Constantly watching Each Others backs for enemy fire!!! And they are ready to kill if it saves their own life...and ready to kill if it saves their comrade's lives.....It's very honorable....

You will see the error of your ways 1 day.......

Good day.....Semper Fidelis! :)

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
You're a hoot. The US is in Afghanistan to protect poppy fields and get their cut. We also want the trillion dollars worth of Lithium to zombify our people here with meds and cell phones. There's no honor, just a mafia style protection racket.

Prisoner #56802

New Member
^^^^ And if the Taliban was still in power, there wouldn't be nearly this much poppy production. The Taliban does NOT approve of poppy fields. So which one is actually worse?

With the Taliban = low poppy production

Without the Taliban = record levels of poppy production

Which one do you think is worse? I'd like to know your opionion....please?
