Seriously considering AG but need help 1st

I'm new here, I am going to begin farming and just need some help before I shell out $. I am thinking of the AG but I would like to know what most people use to keep it in. I can't really do a closet I was going to use a cabinet and put a lock on it and mylar inside maybe a lamp and a mini fan. Is this kind of setup feasible? I live in a warm weather state where this winter the lowest we'll probably get to is 45-50 degrees for a week or so. Stealth is of upmost importance and I plan on keeping this in my garage. I have to hide this from the kids and they don't go into the garage. So basically I need to know how to hide my AG keep the plants cool (will be getting a garage AC unit by spring) Also can an AG setup using autoflower seeds keep me supplied all year for just 1 person?


Active Member
I'd say maybe get a closet/cupboard for the garage, you know those stand alone 2 door cabinets. Usually stand about 6 ft with 2 doors. Im sure they have different sizes, check Home Depot. Youll have to work out some type of ventilation system though.
Good Luck.
Im a fan of the AG Extra. Im using it now with very pleasing results. You can see pics on other threads in this forum if your interested.


Well-Known Member
I'm new here, I am going to begin farming and just need some help before I shell out $. I am thinking of the AG but I would like to know what most people use to keep it in. I can't really do a closet I was going to use a cabinet and put a lock on it and mylar inside maybe a lamp and a mini fan. Is this kind of setup feasible? I live in a warm weather state where this winter the lowest we'll probably get to is 45-50 degrees for a week or so. Stealth is of upmost importance and I plan on keeping this in my garage. I have to hide this from the kids and they don't go into the garage. So basically I need to know how to hide my AG keep the plants cool (will be getting a garage AC unit by spring) Also can an AG setup using autoflower seeds keep me supplied all year for just 1 person?
Shredder: encasing an A/G restricts air flow so that's something you'll want to avoid if possible. Temperature in any hydro system is critical and most garages are too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter so you might want to reconsider your location. Read everything that comes with your A/G, everything they have on line and everything you can get your hands on related to growing. They're a fun system to get started on. I wish there was an easier way, but from what you ask, I get the impression you might need to RTFB and refer to the following resources:
1. Read: SeeMoreBud’s, “MARIJUANA BUDS FOR LESS- GROW 8 OZ. OF BUDS FOR LESS THAN $100.” It’s a must for dirt gardeners using CFL’s.
2. You’ll also want to read: Mc McCarthy’s, “GROWING MARIJUANAIt’s another must for dirt gardeners.
3. Read: Jorge Cervantes’s, “MARIJUANA HORTICULTURE THE INDOOR/ OUTDOOR MEDICAL GROWER’S BIBLE.” It’s great for dirt and hydro.
5. “THE CANNABIS GROW BIBLE- SECOND EDITION,” written by Greg Green, is a match, if not better than, the ones listed above.
6. You should also subscribe to, “HIGH TIMES magazine. Each issue is full of useful information and excellent photography.
7. You might also want to subscribe to It’s free and they offer a monthly news letter that always has a lot of good information, especially for newbies.
8. A lot of local hydroponics stores offer free weekend gardening classes. Admittedly they offer these classes as a means of boosting sales but they present some good information and they’re frequently taught by experienced gardeners.
All these resources are very well written, well illustrated and packed with information that will answer most of your questions before you know to ask them. Doing your homework before you grow by consulting these resources will save you and your plants a lot of stress. These forums are great but often they’re the blind leading the blind and when you do get it from a knowledgeable source they frequently can’t get the information you need to you in a timely fashion. I sincerely hope this helps.