New Member
IMHO it'd be safe to assume Iran already has a device from either the soviet block, Pakistan or China as they've proven they have the delivery systems. They are not a stupid country, (although the same cannot be said about it's leadership) and the IRGC wields tremendous power and influence in the region. The regieme might be stupid but suicidal? No.The final nail would be letting Iran have the bomb.
I would also point out that Israel has over 200 nuclear weapons plus a chemical and biological capability, the full extent of which is not currently known. As yet, Israel has not signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty and will neither confirm or deny a CBRN capacity.
If Israel wants to be realistic in it dealings with Palestine & Iran, it should let in the IAEA to inspect its arsenal. Western governments need to adopt a similar approach in that they treat the 3 the same. If we want Iran to open up, we need to expect the same of the Israelis. Respecting UN security council resolutions would be a great start too.
But most of all through this, the leaders of the countries in termoil seem to live well and protected. The population of their countries not so well... Far from protected. I couldnt imagine living in that kind of environment, waiting for the next attack or air raid siren.
Its time these countries have a change of leadership to a younger moderate generation, that can see past the sectarianism and bloodshed to forge a better future.
Oh and Pot