coNKey's tRailEr TRasH SwAmP grOW


Well-Known Member
looking good! not the plant btw... jk. but you got a nice setup. similar in ways to mine(lots of tents, i got x3 2x4 and a 5x5 only x2 2x4 are set right now tho)

you got a plant count? i mean do you limit yourself, thus the DWC,(i run SOG for the most part) or you prefer that grow style? been seriously considering some hempy, DWC or water farm myself for my vert area.

also i see you are topping, if i where you, or rather as a grower, growing with experience, as we all are(some with more exp than others), would FIM or supercrop rather than topping, unless of course you are topping with purpose(example, mainlining) because you cant still get a donkey dick main cola. start with supercropping(easier) and then practice on FIMing. with the FIM you can get no delay in growth but the results you desire.

another cool trick, to topping is when you top, cut diagonally with the top of the branch at the node below right where you want to take off. if you do it right that node will just take over the main cola spot, a very well done cut and you might not be even able to tell that a branch took over.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hey conkz, stet ups looking tight. girls ae on the up n up, look tio be doing fine even with the minor issues, thank god ganja is hardy ;) liking the scenery shots, looks like clint eastwood might ride over the horizon at any moment. :lo:


Active Member
looking good! not the plant btw... jk. but you got a nice setup. similar in ways to mine(lots of tents, i got x3 2x4 and a 5x5 only x2 2x4 are set right now tho)

you got a plant count? i mean do you limit yourself, thus the DWC,(i run SOG for the most part) or you prefer that grow style? been seriously considering some hempy, DWC or water farm myself for my vert area.

also i see you are topping, if i where you, or rather as a grower, growing with experience, as we all are(some with more exp than others), would FIM or supercrop rather than topping, unless of course you are topping with purpose(example, mainlining) because you cant still get a donkey dick main cola. start with supercropping(easier) and then practice on FIMing. with the FIM you can get no delay in growth but the results you desire.

another cool trick, to topping is when you top, cut diagonally with the top of the branch at the node below right where you want to take off. if you do it right that node will just take over the main cola spot, a very well done cut and you might not be even able to tell that a branch took over.
thanks Polly!! poly want a cracker? lol
14 plant limint as mj patient in AZ.
i think my scissors do go crooked with i top and fimm. i like fimming the best! supercroppin i dont like too much, to me its a last resort type measure.
I love to grow cute little dwarf one gallon coco girls and monster waterfarm scrogs!!! i dont like trees but prefer
i dont like moving heavy pots and i love the soft feel of a wet smart pots..oh how sensual. to be able to feel your girl all wet up her pot. heeheehe

hey conkz, stet ups looking tight. girls ae on the up n up, look tio be doing fine even with the minor issues, thank god ganja is hardy ;) liking the scenery shots, looks like clint eastwood might ride over the horizon at any moment. :lo:
Thanks Mate!


Active Member
recently someone told me , cONkey, i was a nerd. and i can understand why , because of my "look" but im not "nerdy"!
to me there are 2 different types of nerds, cool nerds and goofy uncool nerds.
do ya'll no what i mean..?? like cONkey gets high and is a trouble maker! very fun and cool and sexy
BUT a nerd like TOBY>FORGET IT. hes not hot,or cool or would ever get high.
Here are 2 educational NERD videos.. Toby and next post conkey..
now who would you sleep with?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
blocked :(

it's the fashion to be nerd cool now, big glasses and jumpers a north sea fisherman would wear at sea with brothel creeper shows, it's like ugly betty but worse. and that's what the young lasses are wearing on nights out!?!?

i have no place to complain i've never been fashionable, ask me if i care muahahaaaa. i just crease up laughing at the young kids these days. where's wally bobble hats and jeans so tight they could make you sterile. one day they'll be my age and think, i looked a right tosser when i was younger lmao


Active Member
wow , even overseas the nerds revenge.THERE TAKING OVER THE WORLD!
yeah right your a total fashion plate unkel donnie. that cool stylin high profiling big name wearing gangsta look.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
not that i'm chasing skirt anymore but who wants to see pretty young things dressed as grannies!?!? i get it even less now i'm older and i'm only 30 lol.

fashion plate?! i don't even understand the younguns slang no more. i'm off to listen to the wireless and complain about the cold.


Well-Known Member
After seeing conkey and flowamasta i am in need of advice. I use 6 200w eq. Red and 6 150w eq. Daylight approx. 450-500 true watts with a five gallon res. With two plants and an airstone at the bottom.nutes are as follows adv. Nute grow adv. Nute bloom, adv. Nute micro, superthrive and grandmas backstrap unsulfered molasses. My folowers are looking frosty in week four but my question is will i get a better yeild using the waterfarm method with the cfl. (i have limited space tent is 36x36x60 and in a linen closet so my son doesnt find it). What can i do to improve my yeild. If anyone can help i would greatly appreciate itkaren pic lol.jpg


Well-Known Member
I hate to be "that guy" but there's one thing guaranteed to increase your yield.. HPS.
you could replace all those cfls with one bulb.. You could even keep all the cfls with the HPS, providing you can keep your temps down.

After seeing conkey and flowamasta i am in need of advice. I use 6 200w eq. Red and 6 150w eq. Daylight approx. 450-500 true watts with a five gallon res. With two plants and an airstone at the bottom.nutes are as follows adv. Nute grow adv. Nute bloom, adv. Nute micro, superthrive and grandmas backstrap unsulfered molasses. My folowers are looking frosty in week four but my question is will i get a better yeild using the waterfarm method with the cfl. (i have limited space tent is 36x36x60 and in a linen closet so my son doesnt find it). What can i do to improve my yeild. If anyone can help i would greatly appreciate itView attachment 2411220


Well-Known Member
I hate to be "that guy" but there's one thing guaranteed to increase your yield.. HPS.
you could replace all those cfls with one bulb.. You could even keep all the cfls with the HPS, providing you can keep your temps down.
its the truth. a lot of people fail to think about light distribution, i seceond the hps, but ive been seeing some awesome T5 runs. cfl is a good light for about a 1ft distance, T5 will get you 2 feet fromt he bulb, a 400w you can 4ft from the bulb and still be getting decent, growable light.

the key to CFls and yield is small and dense plants surrounded by CFLs from all sides.


Well-Known Member
My ventilation is shitty i just bought a 4" duct fan and will add it to my next grow for in air and to suck the heat out. If my phone hadnt broke i would take pics but so far it looks like im gonna get a few ounces out of the grow so maybe that can pay for better stuff. This is my first time indoor ever i have grown outside with great success but nothing beats the actual sun. Now i am in a more controlled environment i dont know how to act lol. So essentially i will have a much better yield with just the what i heard....i think. I want to be the greatest at anything i do so all advice is good advice. Thank you to anyone that has any imput to give me on indoor. Anyone else please chime in (conkey)(flowamasta)
i am an indoor virgin lol be gentle lol lol lol


Well-Known Member
I am a focking redneck grower if i cant make it or jerry rig it right then it aint no good lol i have my lights about three inches off the plants but the lower branches aren't as dense due to light penetration but the heat from hps is gonna be hard to control in the closet. I am in texas and it gets hot even inside. My a/c runs almost constant in the summer. I guess i need to find a way to set up intake and exhaust so it can blow the old air out of the roof and intake from the bottom. Anyone else anyone anyone images.jpg


Active Member
DEAR pittsburgh fan. i will help you as much as i can but DO NOT, DO NOT expect me to be easy on you. I expect you to follow my instructions to the T.
Im just letting you know ahead of time because i refuse excuses and do NOT tolerate crybabys. If your willing to man up and make an investment then you have come to the right place. If you take others advice that is not approved by me, i will have to kick you out of the class. This is NO fooling around. Im very serious when it comes to growing massive huge buds and i have a very strickt protocol.

I have NO idea what your indoor set up looks like so your going to have to show me pictures if you want me to help you as well. go ahead and post them here but if you do then concider yourself MY bitch and you need to do a waterfarm with the specs that i use.


Well-Known Member
yo conk you be one tough azzed instructor

but i can understand why you layin it down like dat

coal minning town boy is bout to be schooled
you be pinching ears an smackin knuckles like da old cathlic school teachers
you sound more like gona be straight up kickin azz
i hope pittsburgh survives boot camp- i want my mommy



Well-Known Member
dear pittsburgh fan. I will help you as much as i can but do not, do not expect me to be easy on you. I expect you to follow my instructions to the t.
Im just letting you know ahead of time because i refuse excuses and do not tolerate crybabys. If your willing to man up and make an investment then you have come to the right place. If you take others advice that is not approved by me, i will have to kick you out of the class. This is no fooling around. Im very serious when it comes to growing massive huge buds and i have a very strickt protocol.

I have no idea what your indoor set up looks like so your going to have to show me pictures if you want me to help you as well. Go ahead and post them here but if you do then concider yourself my bitch and you need to do a waterfarm with the specs that i use.
i am not a slacker and want to learn the best and if being your bitch to get it right is what i have to do then so be it. I am trying to get together some pics of what i got and will try to do this tonight. My phone is crap so i will take some pics and scan them. Thank you for even considering helping me. I will do my best and i dont complain much anyway . So thank you in advance