how are my lights?


My seedlings are doing pretty good I think. The stems are a little weak, so I supported them with toothpicks and tied them with thread. Since I changed my lighting system, they are much bigger. I have 4 100w cfl bulbs. I tried them in the tent with the lights, but it seemed a little too dark, so I wrapped a reflector around them. This gives them more light and also more heat. What do you think, is this adequate? Thanks for you advise. .DSCF1449.jpgDSCF1452.jpg


Active Member
You should get a small oscillating fan on those seedlings. It well help strengthen them to stand up on there own. Or replant and bury them when it comes time.

Also, I can't really tell how far the lights are away, but if they are too close in the middle like that, your seedlings will lean over trying to get to it.


Well-Known Member
I'd get a fan in there lightly blowing on the plants. It will help to build strong stems. I'd be careful with the reflector around them due to high heat issues. Careful with the toothpick and thread thing so it doesn't cut into your stem.


HDSCF1448.jpgere is a picture of how far the lights are away from them. And when I replant you say to bury the stems? Is that right?


Do you think in another week I can use my big 1000w in my tent? If yes, do I bring the light low, like 6 or 8 inches away? Also should I replant in another week into bigger pots?


Active Member
love the tent...but a 1000W is gonna be a tonne of light in there. It looks like a 3'x3' to me.. should make for some killer bud!


Active Member
also with a 1000W you'll want more space than 6 to 8 inches. Use the back of your hand, if you can't hold it there for 20ish seconds then its too hot for your girls


Actually the tent is a 5 x 5. I guess it looks smaller in the pics. So you are saying as long as it is not too hot I can put my little girls under the light. Should I repot in bigger pots first, or just leave them for a couple more weeks or until there are roots showing in the bottom?


Active Member
Yes, I would leave them in those pots until you see roots poking out of the bottom. I usually leave them in those seed pots for the first two weeks or so. If you let the roots sort of fill that container, then replant them, you are encouraging the roots to use more of the space in the new pot instead of just shooting straight down and piling up at the bottom. That's why it's bad news to start seeds in a big container.

Just remember to plant them deep enough so that you can bury those stems.


Active Member
if youre gonna switch to flower, I'd transplant first and then put them under that bad ass 1000 watter! I think that a transplant causes stress, as does throwing them under that intense light, so I'd do one then the other. If roots are showing at the bottom of your pots then yes I would transplant, wait a few days and then put them under that 1000W